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My see through 5.5 x 2 x 2.5


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Me using digital SLR. Canon 10D. A trick when you use non SLR digital to shoot. Put your setting to night mode and shoot with flash. Shoot from an angle. Never shoot directly straight at the glass. Take one without fash but must have a steady hand. Moving things will seem blury because of motion. But if you are using MH lightings I think should be bright enough for your camera to take at faster shutter speed. :P

So far only spotted two of them 1 tiny one and 1 50c coin size. Will remove it before I introduce LSs. But in the mean time will let them live a little longer :angel:

:thanks: bro for the trick.. will try once off duty from stupid work... urs is reali a pro shoot on the fishes ... veri sharp...

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Here i am....just some 0.02 cents la,

u r right. u need to do some MOD on the power distribution or else.....when either one of yr equip up lorry, yr whole house black black....but do take note that if it is a direct short circuit, nothing can be done as it will dinfinately trip the main incoming unless u want to invest on a ELR which......######.better not la.

i would not recommend a ups as it will not last for all yr equipment for more than 15 min.

think the best is to add aditional ELCB for seperation from yr house supply & yr tank. more ELCB if u want to safe guard yr indiviaual equipment. it dpends on wat u had in mind. let me know if u need more help.


ps. yr setup really nice & can see that u really did alot of planning b4 u start. how i wish i can start again....kekekeke...

Thanks HaanZii

I'll see which is more afforable. Pardon me. What does ELCB stands for? Have told my electric guy what I intended before my reno. He told me the power is enough. But now try to think of it it seems like not enough to run so many stuff after all. When tried to reset the trip meter only one cannot be switch back. Checked that he tap the power from my TV appliance power supply. How I know. The TV no power. So I was thinking. Does each wire tapped to a trip meter has a maximum waltage it can take or output? Correct me if I'm wrong. Not too sure my logic correct or not. If I did what you did for your power supply, adding a ELCB to one power supply and use it to run higher than it can take what will happen? Or should I need to tap another line to run some more socket to handle the power needed? :blink:

Thanks for the comments. Didn't really done much planning. Think because of budget and tight wallet made it that way. Had alot of hicups along the way. Just did not pose them that's why seems like so smooth. B)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks HaanZii

I'll see which is more afforable. Pardon me. What does ELCB stands for? Have told my electric guy what I intended before my reno. He told me the power is enough. But now try to think of it it seems like not enough to run so many stuff after all. When tried to reset the trip meter only one cannot be switch back. Checked that he tap the power from my TV appliance power supply. How I know. The TV no power. So I was thinking. Does each wire tapped to a trip meter has a maximum waltage it can take or output? Correct me if I'm wrong. Not too sure my logic correct or not. If I did what you did for your power supply, adding a ELCB to one power supply and use it to run higher than it can take what will happen? Or should I need to tap another line to run some more socket to handle the power needed? :blink:

Thanks for the comments. Didn't really done much planning. Think because of budget and tight wallet made it that way. Had alot of hicups along the way. Just did not pose them that's why seems like so smooth. B)


ELCB=Earth Leakage circuit breaker.

well seems like yr reno electrician had parellel all the power point either only 1 or 2 circuit.

hmm....i think need to explain to u personally with my finger pointing up down left right... :lol::D. can u check all yr power points for yr tank using how many circuit?

btw where u stay? mind if i drop by if free?

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:( Just an update of what's going on with my tank now.

Have decided to let go my 1.25hp chiller I had bought 2.5 weeks back. It was a difficult decision because of the nights and effort I've put through into touching up and flushing the heat exchanger with vinegar, scrubing and polishing the rust off, clearing excessive silicon which previous owner did for leak prevention. Look so much newer and better now compared to when I first got it.

But I think its for the best when I have FR, CR, auto top-up on my list of things to include in the future. Have to make space so bo bian.

So in the mean time will be on the look out for another smaller dimension chiller first before any major changes to my list of equipments ;) Any bros out there can recon any chiller with high hp and no bigger than 21" L x 13.5" W x 17.5 H (current chiller size). Height is not an issue but more on the length. :peace:

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bro. . arctica sld fit ur criteria.

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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Yah tot so too but new one price dam XX so looking for 2nd hand models. :whistle

So if anyone thnking of letting go thier Artica model know who to look for. But I poor man so budget budget or instalment maybe :P:D:peace:

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It's been quite some time I've update my post so I'll do an update on equipment first

1) Main return: 1 x eheim 1262

2) Chiller: 1.25hp RR(decided to keep) run by 1 x eheim 1262

3) Skimmer: Schuran powered by 1x eheim 1260 (will run in sump)

4) Hailea Ozone Generators (still waiting for PH/ORP controller to arrive)

5) Wave maker: 1 x Tunze 6080 (might get 1 more)

6) Lights: Black Galaxy 6ft 3x 150 MH

7) Sand: Grade 0. Topped up Grade 1 total 6" with LRs 80- 100kg

8) Sump: Bare sump

9) Resun FR 1000l with Rowaphos

Future equipments on mind:

1) Auto Top up

2) CR (planning to DIY one using Eheim 2213 canister filter)

Live Stocks:

1) Maroon Clown

2) White Strip Clown

3) Some damsels in sump

Corals: Have plans to keep LPS

1) None

Will start posting picts once things are more or less stable :peace:

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Here are some picts of my recent WIP scaping :P

Pls comment :lol:

This pix shows my return through 4 pipes in between my LRs hoping to have more circulation. And have top up 4 packs of grade 1 sand on top of existing grade 0 total about 5" to 6".


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This pic is for Bro Siaokia :P

as promised My Jetskim 200 at work :lol:

Not much skimate yet as very low bio load :unsure:

Skimmer is placed in my sump now to make space for CR and auto top up reservoir.


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Looks quite similiar to my previous scaping. Guess its because of my 4 return pipes I'm only able to do it this way. The only diff I find is on the left side of my tank with LRs covering my main return pipe. :P

Here's some closer view shot from inside my guest rm B)


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Pic of my 2 Tunze 6080. Only 1 will be switched on at a time. Duration still working on it. Maybe intervals of 4 hrs left side, 4hrs right side and stop 2hrs and start all over again. :blink: Anyone has any comments on this?


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My 2 BT who suffered ich and now slightly better. Been with me only less than 2 weeks. Feeding them with fomular 1 pallet soaked in garlic. B) Hope they will fully recover.


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Thanks bro weileong. I'll take note of that. If my fishes are ok with both Tunze running I'll run both. But if not will look out for the 6000 or 6100 model. :pinch:

Here's another pics of my BT. Both pics taken last night. This one can see the tummy fat fat after feeding. :lol:

Sorry had made a mistake. Only had them since Sat which is only 4 days :erm:


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