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Hyposalinity on new tank

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I just setup a new tank and all LS dead except a boxer shrimp.

Fish up lorry:

3 perc clown

1 skunk clown

1 angel

All fish died of desease, the last one died is perc clown. The body like having a layer of white tint. after 1 day, byebye.

Is hyposalinity needed?

Or just leave the tank for few weeks?

Ammnia: 0

No2: 0.5

No3: 0

Salinity: 1.023

KH: 10

PH: 8.2

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some background. My old tank bent and going to burst so transfer all LS and LR to a plastic container. Wait for 1 month and moved to new tank. Transfer all LR and LS in new tank. All fish start dieing after few days. Now left only boxer shrimp.

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i oso got same xprience wit 1st tank set-up. now i no oledi, jus my case onli-may b urs cud b different, i cycle 1 week n put ls! all gone. now i wud put a lot lr and use bacteria water 4 cycling at least 2 weeks. Oso i wud put in hardy fish like damsels 1st, wait.... 1 week later, ok, ..slowly stoc.

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i dont have chiller, temp at ~30­°C. I know its hot but in my previous tank, the temp is same and all fish is lived there happily....... The fish die becoz of white spot, so whould I left the tank for some time? how long?

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  • SRC Member

Hi , just share with u my experience. I got 2 tanks, one is ok, no problem, another dont know why , put fishes in, one 4" maroon jump out, one 4" banner fish stucked in the skimmer, then 1 small clown died, I knew it got white spot, but after 5 weeks empty, I put in fish still die. Now i am taking out the rock and sands to dry to kill everything inside the tank lo. give up that tank liao. and same here, my 5" star fish stay there happily. Maybe feng shui not good.

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:D:D my tank fengsui should be good gua.... cause previous tank also at the same fengsui place and all fish live there happily... now just cycle it and wait until every para good then add fish.. cannot tahan seeing the tank empty without fish for 2 weeks.... :wacko:
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  • SRC Member

Hyposalinity is not recommended with invertebrate in the tank.

Marine invert won't do well with low salinity. Dunno what's gonna happen, but you been advised.

This site got some pretty good info about diseases:


The Ich info is quite good, dunno the Velvet info is as good. You may use the Ich period as guide, as its probably the longest time.

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