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PLC light not sufficient????


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  • SRC Member

went down to Marine hobbyist t hong leong yestersday. actually wanted to convert my tank to reef. Intend to keep mostly soft coral as a start. Ask for 2 nos 3ft PLC light. Each has 4 tubes. Was told not enough for my 3ft tank! Somethings like my 2.5 ft depth is too deep for the lighting???? :blink:

Can any kind soul pls enlighten me on this topic?

Thanks in advance!

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If your tank is 2.5ft deep... i recommend HQI or MH as only these kind of point source lights have the 'punch' to penetrate deeper and stronger thn FL or PL lights.

PL lights are probably better for 2ft or shallower depths.

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AT: BTW my tank width is only 1.5ft! If I try using MH lights, my tank temperature definitely would be above 30deg. Now alredi 30deg with two pumps in the sump and a UV. Can fans helps to lower the temperature much??? thanks

Loonz: mostly i thinks i would be arranging the corals from the mid upwards. Too shiong to put the corals on the sandbed! need a ladder!!!

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Its not the width, its the depth.

Unless you keep the bottom portion for mostly mushrooms and polyps or other low-light tolerant corals, then PLs would do ok.

Yes, a fan would help to lower temp but you need to top-up with fresh water more often.

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The use of MH will almost certainly require the use of a chiller unless the room has air-con. Actually, the tank is not suitable for reef aquarium.


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Is your tank 3' x 1.5' x 2.5'? If it is then I am wrong. I thought its a slim and tall tank. My mistake.


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There is a preference for short tanks with large surfaces for reef tank to maximise lighting.


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Just wondering because I don't see any significant algae growth, have you used copper in the past?

And have you checked your nitrate and whatever else levels?

I find it is much easier to get all these tank issues sorted out first before someone makes a mistake and comes back here to ask why. :blink:

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Chanbi: My sandbed is abt 5"-6" DSB

Hongqixian: Well the tank look "fresh" cause I just resetup its after transporting over from my old home :rolleyes: Really cleanup! Wash the sandbed, sand in the sump, etc.... No choice as got to take out everthing in order to move the tank! :(

Tanzy: Well after minus the sandbed, left abt 2' in depth. Can still try reef keeping? Really don't wish to buy another tank cos will be strangled by my wife :blink:

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It looks good. It's ok. No necessity to get another tank in the near future but your angels will grow.


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