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Are we ready to move on?


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alfaromeo.. is it wrong to say that ???? i dont see anything wrong......whats wrong with saying O levels is not very very important..... i like typing poly that way.... is it wrong???

dun be petty, he means good


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Hi BH... let me start by applausing yr passion for reefing... it is always nice to see that..... for your suggestion to organise regular meeting etc... if you really want to arrange such meeting... i think you should just arrange it rather then asking ppl for suggestion etc.... and to date i have not seen any concrete suggestion... once you have arrange a gathering or meeting then... solve the problem which arose during the arrangment... 

As you know there has been a regular gathering in the west side... minimium once a month and if u really want to join us just pm me yr nos and i will keep you inform when there is such gathering... unless travelling is too far for you... if that is the case.. then organise a big group gathering will be even worse...  who knows which part of Spore you will ended up with.....

As for getting the experience reefer to share with the newbie.... i think there lies lots of gray area... how do u define a experience reefer.... if you have check through some of the posting.. you will see experience reefer kanna slam by newbie who quote some article make by some professional biologist etc....  and worst when the experience reefer have to shut up his mouth just not to argue with the newbie who think they are mighty.... and funny thing is they are the ones who decommission their tanks after a year or so....

Your persistent in this issue will only invited more framing and slamming session.. and then some shady character will appear out of no where and start slamming the rest of the regular ppl here... and worst is when all the rest of the ppl who don't really get the picture start adding oil to flame... and you get a huge fire ball and that where the moderator step in and ease thing off.... and in the end.. another bad chaphter on SRC.... it was all this bad incident that have stop a lot of experience reefer from making comments and suggestion....

Agree with hmkui whole heartedly! :bow::bow::bow:

Lets not be tools of some people with ill intents for this site. :huh:

I believe by logging in here regularly contributing our 2 cents politely, we all have already some form of agreement. So lets not focus on the negative!

Its after all a hobby! Peace. :peace:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Sorry, hv to repost again as my comments didn't appear separately.

Hey, young punk, i take offence with yr above statement!

My initial offer of help was on Sat only but having seen how AT sweating it out and lamenting that all other volunteers did not show up, i came again on Sun.

So are u saying that the rest of the volunteers are kaypoh/busybody?

Perhaps those who volunteered but didn't show up should borrow yr excuse " slipped my mind....."

Luckily i'm earning close to a peanut.

It seems like u r still a long way off so pls stop passing sarcastic remarks on volunteers like us who sacrificed 2 weekends as " having nothing else really important for you to let go and be at aquarama all the time"

Fyi, i managed to go round n take a look only 1 hr before the exhibition closed.

I would like to apologise to all for my strongly worded reply.

Was real hot yesterday as something happened which resulted in a loss of 140k.

Anyway, that's no excuse for posting that reply.

My sincere apologies :D

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  • SRC Member
QUOTE (flyer @ Jul 28 2005, 11:55 AM)


Sorry, hv to repost again as my comments didn't appear separately.

Hey, young punk, i take offence with yr above statement!

My initial offer of help was on Sat only but having seen how AT sweating it out and lamenting that all other volunteers did not show up, i came again on Sun.

So are u saying that the rest of the volunteers are kaypoh/busybody?

Perhaps those who volunteered but didn't show up should borrow yr excuse " slipped my mind....."

Luckily i'm earning close to a peanut.

It seems like u r still a long way off so pls stop passing sarcastic remarks on volunteers like us who sacrificed 2 weekends as " having nothing else really important for you to let go and be at aquarama all the time"

Fyi, i managed to go round n take a look only 1 hr before the exhibition closed.

I would like to apologise to all for my strongly worded reply.

Was real hot yesterday as something happened which resulted in a loss of 140k.

Anyway, that's no excuse for posting that reply.

My sincere apologies 

hi bro... i don't think MC will take it to heart... cos he got worse treatment when he is with us :evil::evil::evil:

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I state my convictions again.

Guide... don't discourage.

Those who don't have the time, contribute suggestions, not criticisms.

Those who have the time, evaluate what needs to be done, get things in place and make it so.

Willing planners, willing workers, willing invitees = benefit for all.

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hi everyone! i was just wondering when src might organise a casual meeting amongst its members when i stumbled onto this thread. i really agree with AT that our online discussions ought to be more focused on suggestions rather than criticisms. and even where criticisms sometimes are necessary, we can always put it across in a non-hostile way. there's been quite alot of "flaming" and bad sentiment of late, both in this thread and in the swop shop forum and perhaps the moderators can find some means of privately chiding those responsible for unwarranted harsh language. i mean, we always post "lets have a meeting", but our flaming" and "hostile language" online can only discourage members from meeting right?

i think a meeting's a great idea though. maybe we can arrange a monthly meeting at a particular place for coffee or something that is standard, (the cafe that gives src members discount for example?) and whoever is free on that particular day can just turn up- like an open congregation. and an open frag exchange meeting. what do you guys think?



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Well, firstly, if my thread has caused much problems to the regular reefers, I am honestly sorry. I had started this thread to hear views on the topic and a bad outcome was truely unexpected.

As many have noticed, I had titled this thread with a question. I did not title it as "We must move on". My ultimate expectation is to receive views as SRC is made up of all of us members. If the final verdict is that we have to stay at this stage, I am totally agreeable to it :lol:

Lastly, if this thread had caused many more incidents of flaming and defamatory remarks in other threads, I would really want to express my apologies.

The Moderators are free to close or delete this thread if need be to prevent more cases of flaming. It is a sad outcome :(

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

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-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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hi there blueheaven,

i think your intentions in starting this thread are commendable, and also, that if there has been flamings or bad sentiment posted within this thread, that it is none of your fault. honestly, the fault comes from individual members who assert their views without really thinking of how others might feel. it happens in other threads and forums too, so i sincerely hope youre not discouraged by how this thread has panned out. sometimes, it crosses my mind too that what a particular reefer is doing might deserve some criticism, but its often better for us all to approach that kind of thing constructively.

when your exams are over, lets do have a meeting of some sort ya. and if you need any help organising it, i'll be willing to ya.



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hi there blueheaven,

i think your intentions in starting this thread are commendable, and also, that if there has been flamings or bad sentiment posted within this thread, that it is none of your fault. honestly, the fault comes from individual members who assert their views without really thinking of how others might feel. it happens in other threads and forums too, so i sincerely hope youre not discouraged by how this thread has panned out. sometimes, it crosses my mind too that what a particular reefer is doing might deserve some criticism, but its often better for us all to approach that kind of thing constructively.

when your exams are over, lets do have a meeting of some sort ya.



Remember to jio me ok Ian! ;) I saty in Punggol. hehehe :lol:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Would need all the help I can get :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Major frag exchanges would be great

I was thinking more along the lines of tank visits, LFS visits and frag trades (if we can have raffles then it'll be better :lol: )

Coffeshop chit chat is also a good idea

And just a little off topic to address the issue of me giving the "excuse" of taking a major exam. I do understand that many people would consider "O" levels a piece of cake now but as for me, my level of maturity makes this exam very difficult for me. I believe, when I reach my tertiary education, I would too consider "O" Levels easy. Therefore, I would want to say that I am not taking this as an excuse but I do hope that you guys spare a thought for me :D

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Hi Blueheaven,

don't bother to apologise nor explain cuz you did no wrong to anyone. Some hot headed flamers who have a history of posting judemental posts on others simply view your good intentions with contempt.

Your passion and contribution (sandbed article & aquarama) is like they say commendable, and isn't unnoticed. Do go ahead with your meeting and fragging plans after your "O'levels". And all the best for it. :)

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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Guys... give our young BH a break...

He has his good intentions and let's not run him down...

I really admire his patience and tolerance despite being slammed left, right, centre... :(

Those who dun believe in his beliefs and convictions let him be lor... doesn't mean when we read something we dun agree, we have to voice our opinions right? Can always skip to the next thread right?

Peace to all... :peace:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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In all fairness, I have given BH hell for his impulsive postings on using school funds to purchase rare corals for propagation.

He got into a fair bit of trouble for that and I hope he has realised that using public money for such projects has irked quite a few reefers who questioned his motives and ideas. It did resemble the NKF debacle to some extent.

However, since that issue has been put aside, note that I have not continued to condemn him. He proved his passion for the hobby by communicating with me on workable methods and solutions, reassuring me that he will think things through and also showed his commitment to the hobby by being there at Aquarama 05.

People do learn from mistakes and people do mature.

Give this young man a chance and if he can make things happen through his sheer determination, all the better for SRC.

Like I say... the more matured amongst us should guide him... tap him... teach him..... encourage him.

He may be still young but he has far more vision and drive than some of us oldtimers who are in danger of becoming grumbly old uncles sitting in coffeeshops drinking beer and cursing everyone else except themselves. ;)

If you can do better than him, then by all means... prove it.

Give him a break. Please. Thank you.

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Advice for u BH,

Set ur priorities right....wat is more impt to u at the moment n the near future!

Ask urself, wats ur role as a student? Isit the followin below?

Major frag exchanges would be great

I was thinking more along the lines of tank visits, LFS visits and frag trades (if we can have raffles then it'll be better laugh)

Coffeshop chit chat is also a good idea.


To concentrate on ur books since pre-lims and 'O' r juz ard the corner. Morever u mentioned 'O' is no piece of cake to u.

Reefin is a hobby and tats all abt it. No point goin "phd" coz its a forever learnin process and it definitely nt gonna bring any dough back for ur family in future.

Its wat lies ahead of u presently tat requires critical addressin, sort out ur 'O' followby the impt decision of determinin where u wanna go. JC, poly?....etc.

All the frags exchanges, meet ups,......etc can come durin ur holidaes or when u r capable of sustainin urself.

So, Y trouble troubles when troubles doesn't trouble u. <_<


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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hi there blueheaven,

i think your o'levels are important, so its imperative that you concentrate on those. it may sound prudish, but i'm not that much older than you (i just finished uni) so i can still remember that period. i mean, reefing, and frag meets can wait, whereas your o'levels wont, and further more, youll be judged hereafter on your o'levels when youre applying for poly or jc, so theres no turning back unless you repeat. pm me once your exams are over or when you know the date of your exams last day and we can arrange a frag meet for the day after your exams or what ya!! no sweat.

as it is, bros gouldian and veliferum have said they'll be there to meet you, and i hope i'm not being too presumptuous, but i think bros rav-65 and AT will join in too if theyve the time, so we can all have a drink and talk-###### about reefing then ya. ive only made friends with sis venezia and bro hobbes since they live in my area so it'll be great to meet all of you.

honestly, i'm really amazed at your patience and temperament, and how you return each day to politely reply the various "flaming" posts targeted to you. hats off seriously.



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He may be still young but he has far more vision and drive than some of us oldtimers who are in danger of becoming grumbly old uncles sitting in coffeeshops drinking beer and cursing everyone else except themselves.

BH you really have the "vision and drive" and lots of passion and for what you do. Your involvement at Aquarama shows your dedication and commitment - for being there despite your school work and exams. All these, coupled with your receptiveness to good advice will stand you in good stead in your years ahead.

As all your friends had mentioned, do concentrate on your "O" level at the moment and give it your highest priority. Your beautiful reef tanks will certainly serve you well during your "break" in between studies. A good education will be an insurance to a better future and, of course, that will also enable you to realise your "dreams" in Reefing.

I can see that you have lots of friends behind you.

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Really thanks to you guys who have encouraged me, guided me and helped me :thanks:

Yep, my exams are top priority. Meetings will be after that :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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  • 2 months later...
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OK, some words from an outsider... please do not take offence, as I mean these comments to be totally constructive, I am sure AT will let me know if I have stepped over the line. I am not even going to talk about the original subject... so sorry for being :off:

Talk of meetings being hard to organise etc is absolute rubbish. You are NEVER going to get everyone to a meeting, but the key point is to have the semi-regularly, and then hopefully people get into a routine, and set aside the time to turn up. It does not have to be a formal thing. How many of you meet up when going to an LFS because there is a hot shipment arriving. I know when I have been out with Scarab, I always meet a lot of you as we wait for the shipments to arrive. If you think about that for a minute, how hard would it be for all of you to gather 30 minutes prior at a Kopi Tiam or hawker centre just to shoot the breeze prior to emptying your wallets on a new acans colony? That is all it takes.

It does not have to be an 'official SRC sanctioned event'. Lets not over complicate things here.

The important thing about forums like this, is that it establishes a community network of people with like minded interests. The extension of the forums into meetings is to strengthen that community even further. Don't have formal meetings etc to start with, just have a gathering at someone house every so often, with some food, people bring their own drinks, and you just sit down and talk about stuff...

Maybe this will extend into formal meetings, but it does not have to... however what will happen is that binds will be stronger between all of you. how amny of you have a fellow SRC member look after your tank when you are on vacation? How many of you call other SRC members when you see good stuff at an LFS? How many of you would like to be able to call someone in the middle of the night when something is wrong with your slice of the ocean? If you have regular meetings, and supplement that with posting on SRC, then it is very easy to do.

AT needs to be credited for his sensational efforts in establishing SRC, and continuing to foster its development. However, you as it members need to help him steer it, and make it "the place to discuss reefs in Singapore". :bow:

Don't shoot ideas down. but don't be complacent and think everything is going smoothly either. Think about what you like about SRC, and do your best to keep those aspects working. Think about what you don't like, and start working on them yourself to fix it. if you don't like the backstabbing, then stay out of it. If you don't like the lack of personal organised catchups... put a post up about having a few people over to your place, or meeting somewhere. Whoever wants to come can come, it is their decision. But don't stand back and wait for someone else to do all the work. :idea:

Enough from the 'outsider' :pirate:

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Bandit, you have earned my praise :bow:

Thanks for your really constructive comment and I appreciate it :lol:

You are right, meetings should be a routine and I hope it'll become a routine for the reefers. But I am compelled to the worry that if we have small group meetings, we might encounter the problem of cliques.

I am looking at how reefers from other countries have their meetings and I try to emulate a few pointers from there. We must bond not in terms of small groups but as a whole, as a club.

That is why you see me using the reefer's direct names in my comments if I know them as it feels more "informal" and cosy rather than calling his/her nick. Of course, you wouldn't want everyone to call you bandit all the time do you? :D

Well, anyway, meetings should be educational and although this time round I am getting foreign reefers to come, I truely hope that in subsequent meetings, we can have our own members give a talk or a workshop.

Bonding is pivotal in our development as a reef club and it solves many problems ranging from misunderstandings and clique chatting. And who knows, maybe in the years to come, we might be involved in reef saving projects :P

Of course, it is good to have a group of reefing friends to visit the LFS, exchange frags and chat with but as a whole, the idea of club meetings will still hold a more important role for the development of the club :)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Keep our hobby sustainable, participate in fragging NOW

CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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