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sps stn on the base

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  • SRC Member


i just started my Ca Reactor last week. kh was at 6 and Ca was at 360 before i started my CR.

Since i started my CR, within a day I saw 1 colony of my sps stn started on the base....and it was beyond save now. now another one of my sps colony stn on the base but very slow.

May i know what can i do to stop this stn stuff. i have managed to maintain my CR ph at 6.5 and i believe my CR has already kick start since yesterday. i am still monitor my kh and ca every morning. last measure of my kh = 7 and Ca = 320. at the same time i also try to add ca buffer to raise the ca to it normal range.

the drop of kh and ca and sudden change of water parameter when i started my CR, could it cos sps stn on the base? the rest on my sps are ok.

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  • SRC Member

i have enough flow.

i suspect it is kh that causes the sps stn on the base. should i let the CR to do it works by bringing up the Ca and Kh or should i add the kh buffer to help to raise the kh while CR does it job?

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  • SRC Member

I also have Sps rtn on the base and found some bugs

Normally Sps start to rtn at the base is more due to kh swing or bugs

Even you have the CR, you still need to check your Kh from time to time

A lot of ppl ahve neglected on Kh~~ which will cause a great impact on

Stn on the base

I think the best you can do is to bring up your Kh and glue the affected

parts or best is to frag and discard away the rtn part

I think the best is you bring up the buffer youself if you are still not

fully understand how to use the CR yet...

Likewise i am also figthing a battle againts RTN now~~~ LOl lets hope

we will win this battle bro

Good LUCk bro

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  • SRC Member
I also have Sps rtn on the base and found some bugs

Normally Sps start to rtn at the base is more due to kh swing or bugs

Even you have the CR, you still need to check your Kh from time to time

A lot of ppl ahve neglected on Kh~~ which will cause a great impact on

Stn on the base

I think the best you can do is to bring up your Kh and glue the affected

parts or best is to frag and discard away the rtn part

I think the best is you bring up the buffer youself if you are still not

fully understand how to use the CR yet...

Likewise i am also figthing a battle againts RTN now~~~ LOl lets hope

we will win this battle bro

Good LUCk bro

hey andy, i saw your thread in RC :P

i will monitor this nice green mili closely. it took a month to colour up so nicely and stn... :( i lost my nice pink mili. it started rtn from the base up when i started my CR. no matter how i frag it to many part and they still rtn from the base. i don't know whether it due to CR or the drop of kh. i realized that the sea salt that i use have low kh. i measure it after i mix it for a day and it reads 7 :huh:

if the stn got worst tmr, i will glue the affected part. hope that it helps :(

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  • SRC Member
kh = 7 and Ca = 320 represents ionic imbalance.

for that kh, u shd be getting close to 400 for ca. keep that ionic balance in check


thx :)

just did my check this morning. now my kh = 8, ca = 370. i guess my CR is working hard now :P

got to rise it slowly...

still monitor my green milli. hope that the stn will stop :unsure:

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  • SRC Member

curious to know what your tank pH is, since the setup of the CR. While you can test dkh to infer a pH value, its risky, esp when implementing a CR. A daily test of dkh is insufficient, as pH will fluctuate diurnally. The low kh values could likely give acidic conditions esp at nite, this to the tissue loss.

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  • SRC Member

careful though...at kh = 8, ca = 370, ca is acutally on the low side, but still will not hurt your SPS...they just got slower..... what is important is to raise the CA SLOWLY and maintain the KH..... i had the same problem when installating my CR....raise the KH to quickly resulting in a number of SPS RTNing....

my suggestion is maybe you can try controlling you CR with timer & soleniod valve....start with 2 hours a day to see if you can maintian the value at kh = 8, ca = 370, increase the duration if you value starts to drop....when the value can stablize at 3-4 days....dose calcium chorilne to slowly bring the ca up to 400-440....thereafter things should be stable already......

Also monitor your Mg....if too low then no matter what you do you might not be able to bring up the CA.....

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  • SRC Member
curious to know what your tank pH is, since the setup of the CR. While you can test dkh to infer a pH value, its risky, esp when implementing a CR. A daily test of dkh is insufficient, as pH will fluctuate diurnally. The low kh values could likely give acidic conditions esp at nite, this to the tissue loss.

hi madmac,

i am still monitor my tank ph since i started my CR. the day ph is 8.2 and the night 8.1. i am still using my old kalk reactor. i guess it helps to balance my tank ph.

actually i notice my sps stn when i started my CR late at night. i forgot to check my tank ph at that time. and the next day when i checked my kh, it drop to 5 from 8.

actually, i have difficulties raise my kh since i changed my sea salt to corallife. before that my kh was always at 10 and my ca is always at 400. may be the sea salt is not the factor. i am still trying to recall what other thing i have add or change...that causes my kh and ca drop within a week.

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  • SRC Member
careful though...at kh = 8, ca = 370, ca is acutally on the low side, but still will not hurt your SPS...they just got slower..... what is important is to raise the CA SLOWLY and maintain the KH..... i had the same problem when installating my CR....raise the KH to quickly resulting in a number of SPS RTNing....

my suggestion is maybe you can try controlling you CR with timer & soleniod valve....start with 2 hours a day to see if you can maintian the value at kh = 8, ca = 370, increase the duration if you value starts to drop....when the value can stablize at 3-4 days....dose calcium chorilne to slowly bring the ca up to 400-440....thereafter things should be stable already......

Also monitor your Mg....if too low then no matter what you do you might not be able to bring up the CA.....

u are right. may be i got to check my mg.

since i was away for a week last month, my kh and ca drop alot. i did water change 5%-10% per week and not matter what i do (dosing ca and kh buffer), i can never raise my kh as before.

i guess when mg is low, it will cause kh to drop. and when kh drop, the ca will drop too.

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If your kH crashed before then it is possible for STN to occur few weeks later and this is what you are seeing now.

I would check the Mg levels and slowly raise it with addictives followed by kH and Ca.

At the same time tune your CR properly so it holds the parameters properly.

You can also frag abt 2" above the STN line and that should stop the STN provided the parameters are corrected.

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  • SRC Member

thx weileong,

now my parameter: Ca=380, Kh=9 (measured this morning)

i slowly raise them bit by bit. raise 1 kh a day, it is too much?

now, i am trying to tune the CR till it hold the parameter (didn't know CR got so much work :P )

i already frag the stn part of my colony green mili. hope that the stn will stop soon :erm:

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checked my parameter this morning. my ca and kh is stablized cos i have the same reading for past 3 days. now, i will slowly raise it up to the desire reading. however, my green mili base still stn but very very slow. i frag the stn part again and i hope that it will stop soon :(

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  • SRC Member
There will be variation in the pH reading for 24hrs cycle especially when CR is in use.

Are you using a testkit for measuring the pH?

no, i am using hanna ph meter. i am also using kalk reactor. so, i guess the KR helps to stablized my ph.

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  • SRC Member

The reading on the hannah pH meter can be pretty inaccurate unless you calibrate it very often... :P

u are right vin :lol: hehehe... every measure i did and after use, i always calibrate it to 7.0 :P can't really trust the reading i take. so i calibrate all the time.

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