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Refugium with cyano......

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Just set up a refugium beside the main tank a week plus ago. Now cyano appearing on surface of hair algae in the refugium.

Bubbles appearing on surface of red grapes macro algae. Is cyano covering them as well? or just that the red grapes are photosynthesizing?

Refugium light is 24/7.

Wondering if cyano will help remove nitrate and phosphate from the water?

Thanks in advance for advices. :P

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  • SRC Member

welcome to the red carpet club...

you just be awarded cyano which is so hard for us to get it free... lolz..

well when u got cyano mean your tank parameter suck big time... your p04 is high for sure...

and rhe cyano will cover your macro algae and kill it too... :D

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  • SRC Member

It's likely the bubbles are from cyano instead of the red algae. Though I don't have any red algae, but my green macroalgae don't show\give bubbles.

I have that problem is few weeks ago. After I improved the flow in my DSB refugium, and my constantly manual removal of these cyano in past 2 months, now been 2 weeks I no longer see them.


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  • SRC Member
Just set up a refugium beside the main tank a week plus ago. Now cyano appearing on surface of hair algae in the refugium.

Bubbles appearing on surface of red grapes macro algae. Is cyano covering them as well? or just that the red grapes are photosynthesizing?

Refugium light is 24/7.

Wondering if cyano will help remove nitrate and phosphate from the water?

Thanks in advance for advices. :P

Quite commom occurence in new set up.

What I suggest you to do is siphon out the red slime diligently, after a while they will go away.

If you want to do it quick, use Red Slime remover, but make sure your skimmer is on and watch out for the skimmate for the first few hours as the skimmer will work overtime and you need to empty the cup quite often. Use carbon when you are using the RS remover.

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thanks everyone for the advice. Will start siphoning those nasty bacteria out.

Wondering if refugium need high current? Presently i am only adding an air pump to keep water movement at the top.

BTW, diatoms on the glass walls, are they alright in the refugium?

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