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Nitrate reduction for Nano


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  • SRC Member

broz, currently i have a 15 x 10 x 10 tank(roughly 6.5 US gallons) housing an ocellaris pair.

Filtration i'm using a liberty 200gph HOT. skimmer is a berlin airlift 60.

Problem is, i'm sure u nano bros know that equipment in the tank is ugly which is why i'm deciding to decomm. the berlin and try NNR methods. i know for nanos people usually recommend just water change.

What i want to explore is the use of decorative macros to help bring down nitrates. Friend told me things like red bamboo will take in the nitrates...is it true? what other macro algaes are there to recommend? cauperla i read can poison the tank if not removed properly right?

bros advice,


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  • SRC Member
broz, currently i have a 15 x 10 x 10 tank(roughly 6.5 US gallons) housing an ocellaris pair.

Filtration i'm using a liberty 200gph HOT. skimmer is a berlin airlift 60.

Problem is, i'm sure u nano bros know that equipment in the tank is ugly which is why i'm deciding to decomm. the berlin and try NNR methods. i know for nanos people usually recommend just water change.

What i want to explore is the use of decorative macros to help bring down nitrates. Friend told me things like red bamboo will take in the nitrates...is it true? what other macro algaes are there to recommend? cauperla i read can poison the tank if not removed properly right?

bros advice,


yup, red bamboo will reduce NO3. yup also for grape, it will release some toxin in ur tank where there goes transexsual.....

IMO,water changes is the best way to remove NO3...

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  • SRC Member

ur tank realli sounds nano... half a foot by 10cm by 10 cm?

to hav macroalgae as filtration, u got to ask urself, is ur lighting strong enuff for the macroalgae? u dun wanna crash ur tank when they go mass asexual esp when nano tank is more susceptible to small changes....

water changes is still the best way.... n quite impt for nanos....

if u tink ur berlin airlift is an eyesore, u can consider getting another cheap hang on filter (like ur liberty) which is deep enuff for ur berlin... place it inside without any other components... like that ur berlin is "external" in a sense ;)

i rem seeing jebo has a hang on filter with protein skimmer incorporated (i tink ard $40), dun noe how effective it is.... u may wanna consider too... but ask ard for its effectiveness first :D

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  • SRC Member

bro clownfish...that's a very innovative way to do things...will explore the possibilities....and also yeah..i've heard of a jebo HOT with incorporated protein skimmer but wondering about the effectiveness also...mabbe if it's good enough i'll use that jebo HOT as a second HOT...like that tank also more current..

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bro clownfish...that's a very innovative way to do things...will explore the possibilities....and also yeah..i've heard of a jebo HOT with incorporated protein skimmer but wondering about the effectiveness also...mabbe if it's good enough i'll use that jebo HOT as a second HOT...like that tank also more current..

Hi, I tried one of those Jebo HOT filter with skimmer... The skimmer is very ineffective. Not enuf bubbles created...

However, to be exact, mine is a 2nd hand, jus wondering if it's spoiled or something...

Just sharing...

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just to share i have the jebo ###### skimmer for my 1ft by 1ft setup..... It is actually quite good enough to support a nano setup. but u have to tune it for quite a while to get it to work effectively. currently i clean it once a week and everything works fine.

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  • SRC Member

wah...the response so far 50/50....jialats...any other bros got comments or experiences? i think there's also an atman hangon with skimmer....

Any other bros using HOT with integrated skimmer please share experience?

jasyu the integrated skimmer is what kind? airstone? venturi? please enlighten...thanks :)

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just to share i have the jebo ###### skimmer for my 1ft by 1ft setup..... It is actually quite good enough to support a nano setup. but u have to tune it for quite a while to get it to work effectively. currently i clean it once a week and everything works fine.

Hi, how do u tune? I wonder how u put into 1 by 1 cos the intake tube is so long and bulky...

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  • SRC Member

IMO ... water changes is still a best method to reduce nitrate in a nano.... get hands on a better marine salt and do freque water changes.. will save lots of unexpected problems and dosing also... only thing i dose is idoine last time in my nano.. cos the weekly water changes basically are to maintain the ca, kh, ph. etc etc level ...

the idoine is basically for the shrimp to molt ...:P

hope it helps

cheers :P

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  • SRC Member

hi there bro dreamscapez. i think growing some macroalgaes within your tank is the best way to remove nitrates as the macros utilize nitrates for growth. they will also remove phosphates from your water column. as for concerns that the macroalgaes will go sexual and leech phosphates back into your tank, thats easily remedied. when the macroalgaes are about to turn sexual, they will start to turn white in colour from their previous brown. so when that happens, just remove all the whitening stalks. this usually happens over a day or two, so if you do look into your tank everyday, i think its pretty safe. if youre very worried about macros going sexual, then pick a macroalgae such as gracilaria or chaetomorpha that is less likely to do so.

hope that helps.



ps: regardless of the salt mix you use, even though they may contain some calcium, you'll need to maintain appropriate calcium and alkalinity levels to encourage coralline algae growth, because coralline quickly depletes calcium from the water column. try adding actinic lights too if you dont already run them. another good way is to introduce some coralline to get things started. you can get some scrapped coralline algae from someone elses tank, or borrow a rock with coralline to seed your tank, because sometimes liverock that has been stressed through handling or dry transporting might lose its viable coralline algae "spores".

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Go explore Sulphur/Nitrateductor

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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hi guys! I got a problem with macroalgae. i think my fish like to bite them, very soon, my tank will be fill with pieces of "leave" floating around. very messy....

do you guys put them in a sump instead?


normally we will put it in sump! but if u dun have, :idea: I will suggest to have a basket in ur main tank (its depend on ur "kungfu" to hide it not to be so eyes catching) hahaha.... then ur macro algae is save... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

ppl said sea lectuce is great in removing no3 + it doesnt go transexual , therefore wont release any toxins back .

i so regret that i let some grape caulerpa grows on the LR.. and now it's covering my tank !! and i have bad times in removing them :(


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  • SRC Member

wow...somany to choose...keep them coming guys...for now i doing the best thing i can do....about 20% water change everyweek....but also recently added one sarcophyton and one rock of green mushrooms...also..planning to invest on the highly rated biostar flotor!

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