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NO spike when adding fish

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  • SRC Member

how long does these spikes last ??

my NO2 has been like < 0.3 for the last couple of days (using tetra test) ..

then I added 4 fish (1 doctor, 1 0.5" sized clown and 2 pinkish fish about 1.5" length) .. today NO2 shot up to 0.8mg .. just 1 nite .. and 1 pinky died .. not sure if that's the cause or it's just too stressed (these fish just arrived when I got them)

sigh .. get them immediately and you're worried about fish dying from stress .. get them later and you worry about them being sold out .. TALK ABOUT STRESS !! :P:erm:

any website I can look up to find out what fish I got?? found one listed from this forum .. but very user unfriendly .. gotta look up the name to see how it looks like .. but me dunno name .. gotta screen thru like thousands of links to find my fish ..

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a month now ..

argh .. just checked !!! I got a wrasss !!!!! oh no .. and it's noted as expert level only !! ARGH !!!!

#$(%*#($%&* LFS tell me beginner fish !!!

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You must setup your tank and cycle it until all the NO2, NO3 & NH3/ NH4 are ZERO before adding any life stock.

I had been through your stage... killed many fishes.. :( Think through what you want, do your research and buy once tank is ready.

Good luck :)

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  • SRC Member
how long does these spikes last ??

my NO2 has been like < 0.3 for the last couple of days (using tetra test) ..

then I added 4 fish (1 doctor, 1 0.5" sized clown and 2 pinkish fish about 1.5" length) .. today NO2 shot up to 0.8mg .. just 1 nite .. and 1 pinky died .. not sure if that's the cause or it's just too stressed (these fish just arrived when I got them)

sigh .. get them immediately and you're worried about fish dying from stress .. get them later and you worry about them being sold out .. TALK ABOUT STRESS !! :P:erm:

any website I can look up to find out what fish I got?? found one listed from this forum .. but very user unfriendly .. gotta look up the name to see how it looks like .. but me dunno name .. gotta screen thru like thousands of links to find my fish ..

bro..is alrite to buy fishes that jus arrive..but after u bring it home..do NOT introduce into ur main tank..setup a mini quarantine tank to stabilise the fish 1st..

my 2 cents.. :D

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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Shouldn't be a problem. Obviously your tank water is lacking the full-power of the de-nitrite bacteria (dunno their name :D ). They will continous grow, unless you still keep having the same reading after 1 week later.

But don't stock in anything more, until all the "figures" are nice.

There's an article from the chemistry prof on ReefKeeping, about NO2 is not that "fatal" in marine compared to freshwater.

I think it just these past few months issue.


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Think through what you want, do your research and buy once tank is ready.

hahaha ..actually did.. i wanted clowns and blue fish and red fish and yellow fish.. so got blue damsel and red wrass! :P just din know wat it is.. i'll look at picts next time.. thanks :lol:

Shouldn't be a problem. Obviously your tank water is lacking the full-power of the de-nitrite bacteria (dunno their name  ). They will continous grow, unless you still keep having the same reading after 1 week later.

But don't stock in anything more, until all the "figures" are nice.

righto.. levels are dropping.. maybe too many fish at 1 go and mixed with the lfs 'dirty water' :lol:

strange thing.. everything zippy and running around.. except my snail.. lost 2 in like 5 days.. thats wats worrying me..

try not to put any fish inside cos you have not completed the cycling process yet. Till your NO2 reads zero, then you are almost there. Do test for NO3 level too later.

thanks for the advice.. i find the times here abit unrealistic.. not everyone runs big tanks.. not mature yes.. but not ready.. i donno.. my readings after the settling down was 0 no2 for a few days after about 2 weeks.. added fish was when it wnt up again.. :) dun be mistaken.. i know it takes a while for things to mature (just like good wine!). but i believe theres always a drink it in 2months option vs 2 years :peace:

oh yah if no drink it now option please let me kno!! :P

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update .. seems like the spike was because I added too many fish at 1 go .. didn't know 4 fishes is too many :P (oh yea .. forgot .. added corals too .. do they cause the No2 to shoot up too ??)

maybe it's just the dirty LFS water :blink:

Anyway .. everything back to normal now .. a scary time for me (from all the mention about needing 1 months to cycle everything) maybe it's not mature yet like what HOTLEMOND mentioned :D

going to add my fire gobys next :yeah: (month that is :P)

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  • SRC Member
a month now ..

argh .. just checked !!! I got a wrasss !!!!! oh no .. and it's noted as expert level only !! ARGH !!!!

#$(%*#($%&* LFS tell me beginner fish !!!

Uh yes, i can attest to that... the red coris wrasse is very very hard to keep alive for any long period of time. :erm:

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hey how to get rid of no3 now??? :unsure:

shows 50ppm with tetra test.. it says change water..

(yub finally got no3 test kit)

geez every1 say no2 dangerous..seems like no3 oso quite dangerous.. :blink:

ok.. how to get rid of damsel hehehe :rolleyes:

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