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Compact Fluorescent Lighting


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  • SRC Member

Hi, anyone have used both Coralife powercompact tubes and Aqualux tubes before, especially the 10,000k variety. Coralife 36W tube costs $50, the Aqualux one costs significantly lesser - $20?$30??not too sure...I noticed that the colors are different to the ###### eye though both states 10,000k....any noticable difference to corals? Please share your experience, thanks.

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Loonz...I used the coral-life ones b4...long time ago.

The corals were okie....under the bulb (did not really noticed a major diff in colouration) though the tank looks more 'cool' blue-ish white.

I also noticed that the bulbs have a very short lifespan....If I dun recall wrongly...I think I changed it after 3 mths of usage.

I got mine from AquaMart...I think u can ask them blatantly for a 10-15% discount.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, Nature ready cheap compare to Petmart or other LFS. I just brough a 4xPL (10K each) set from them and cost $200/- but guess what? Petmart qoute me much more than this price. Even for 10K FL tubes (Arcadia brand). They are selling at 33 per tube and Nature sell only at 27! Ovell all pricing at Nature is lower than other LFS I visited.

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