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NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny


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Well, considering that he is definitely a very hardworking man who spends 7 days a week working... perhaps the board dictated that he should have a bigger toilet as his entitlement? ;)

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Mrs Goh said that his pay compared to other CEOs is peanuts.

No, the real stupid thing besides that remark is the one where she said that because they have huge reserves, they can pay him a lot. :angry:

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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I have friends who worked for NKF... its a hellhole in there... anyone who goes back on the dot is called up to his office the next day... everyone works late till about 10pm averagely or till he goes home, never before... heard he can be quite a megalomaniac... total control of everything.

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so happy i have done something good today ...

Name, Comments/Message to NKF

39579. thomas cheong, time to review yourselves



Wah biang bro!!!

once again you're 39578 person LATE!!! especially after Dubai stepped down you still petition!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

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Let us all not forget, his pay is not $600K, his pay is $300K and another $300K as bonuses....

I got no qualms about his $25K/mth salary, even if it's $50K/mth doesn't matter... wat matters is that he takes 12 months bonus!!! Although mathematically, there is no difference!

But in years of poor economy, and his talk of low reserves he draws 12 months??? Dat's like cheating!! One moment saying they only have reserves for 30 years, next moment draw 12 mths bonus, how the Board approves it really surprises me! Maybe all cronies, you scratch my back, I scratch your back.... :angry::angry:

And this is a welfare/charity organisation, even if you're CEO and you work very hard and the organisation gets very rich, you dun draw a 12 months bonus!! or even a $50K/mth pay.... To be willing to sit on the hot chair as CEO of NKF, you must remind yourself that you are not like a corporate CEO, coz any income comes as donations from the public!! It's not like you sell something to make money! ( although they do sell pity )... In fact, you should keep your wages to the minimum as an example and living testament that the money is really for the patients!

It seems he's more like profiteering...

All said, to a person who handles hundreds of milliion dollars of donation money, and who draws his pay and livelihood on donated money by the public, even $6 has to be properly used and accounted!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member
Let us all not forget, his pay is not $600K, his pay is $300K and another $300K as bonuses....

I got no qualms about his $25K/mth salary, even if it's $50K/mth doesn't matter... wat matters is that he takes 12 months bonus!!! Although mathematically, there is no difference!

But in years of poor economy, and his talk of low reserves he draws 12 months??? Dat's like cheating!! One moment saying they only have reserves for 30 years, next moment draw 12 mths bonus, how the Board approves it really surprises me! Maybe all cronies, you scratch my back, I scratch your back.... :angry::angry:

And this is a welfare/charity organisation, even if you're CEO and you work very hard and the organisation gets very rich, you dun draw a 12 months bonus!! or even a $50K/mth pay.... To be willing to sit on the hot chair as CEO of NKF, you must remind yourself that you are not like a corporate CEO, coz any income comes as donations from the public!! It's not like you sell something to make money! ( although they do sell pity )... In fact, you should keep your wages to the minimum as an example and living testament that the money is really for the patients!

It seems he's more like profiteering...

All said, to a person who handles hundreds of milliion dollars of donation money, and who draws his pay and livelihood on donated money by the public, even $6 has to be properly used and accounted!! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

agreed.... can't wait to read the papers tomorrow about the step down...

I realised I actually know one of the members on the BOD, my old hall master, was quite shocked...

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Durai and the BOD has finally been compelled to resign. Of course, we all know that is it not over yet. There's a lot more to be done to clear up the long trail of mess and malpractices. We can be assured that the relevant authorities will do the necessary to uphold Singapore's reputation as a "clean city".

The whole issue was about misdeeds of Durai and the BOD of NKF and others who may be indicted later, not NKF and the patients. Therefore, when the dust has settled and the mess cleared up, let's think of the plight and misery of all the kidney patients who need dialysis treatment desperately - let's continue to give them our love, concern and support.

The Durai era is over!!!! I don't think there will ever be another repeat of what had happened. It will be history. Yes, we were all very, very angry, pissed, disgusted, #8@&*6@#@5#.............., and rightfully so.

Lets' rejoice that People power has triumphed, and Justice prevails. Let's not forget the kidney patients who still need our support.

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Does she have higher intelligence than to compare Durai to CEOs of private organisation? I find the comment so devoid of sensitivity to the common people and a total lack of moral concern for those who are denied of $300K of treatment.

As for NKF, the staff there have to attend a weekly session by Durai for brainwashing. It's almost like a mini empire in there!

I think (marine) therefore I am

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my gay thread anyone?? :erm:

oei.. muar chee.. ur timing with that statement is :bow: hahahaha... :lol::lol:

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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After hearing the news that the CEO and its management team have resigned, I am both happy and very sad..

Happy - yes, finally change of new blood that maybe make the organisation more transparent in their accounts in future.

Sad - Those leaving... they are leaving together with their big fat bonuses that suppose to be for those in need.

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so what they resign??? i would rather jail them .... after so many years of deceiving of public money...just let them go?!!!! i cannot imagine that.. they would retired liao lor.....*expletive* man!

So now all the govt stand in and talk talk..so what?!

Jail them *expletive*!!

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  • SRC Member
mUAr_cHEe I thought you've gone straight!!!!!! And, you vouched that you'll never get involved in this thread anymore - Remember????

lester's thread....

not my toy boy durai's thread........ :D

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Lets' rejoice that People power has triumphed, and Justice prevails.

yes i'd like to think so too, but it appears that this could also be part of a well-orchestrated Govt coup to take down NKF after years of putting up with the rotten-ness inside.

1) Davi is MM Lee's lawyer and a PAP MP. You really think he would be allowed to tear the heart out of NKF so publicly knowing the likely consequences, without some high-level green-light from the powers that be?

2) You think that ST's article would have been allowed to stand and this thing dragged all the way to court (with the obvious outcome of dirty linen being aired) without the same kind of high-level green light? SPH is Govt owned, don't forget.

3) The way SPH quoted Mrs Goh and put her unflattering photo (walking beside Durai) almost feels like an "ambush" job, to deliberately reveal her influence in NKF and opinions about the way things there are run.

Sounds like 1 year after GCT steps down and LSL takes over as PM, the house-cleaning of rotten institutions has begun! :lol:

Khaw Boon Wan today said they would not tear down NKF just to rebuild because things are not "rotten to the core". In order words, only some parts are "rotten". This is the most blatant Govt signal yet, from one of PM Lee's personally appointed Ministers, that the view from the (current) Govt is that there is indeed something rotten in NKF. PM Lee himself, in an soundbite from the US, aired over the radio this morning, said that he would not rule out a board of inquiry. They are serious on this matter. :)

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

Very observant indeed.

But lets not call it a coup. It's just well strategised and organised and with good intention if it was indeed intended.

Just wondering if Durai aka durian aka monkey will write a book to reap (or rip) another million of curious siingaporean before retiring in Dubai?

Any good name for the title?

"The Durai Empire: How I took Singaporeans for a ride."

I think (marine) therefore I am

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all u need is one black sheep to create such a furore and everyone loses confidence in the Charitable organisation and agreed, the patient suffered..

such sheep should be persecuted and if possible, forfeit the S$1.8Mil and replace it with Ruppiah instead. :(

wicked.. these money is for the patients, not their pockets.. this should be classified as corruption.

Really all these stories about how they manage OUR DONATIONS makes me feel that the $50 buck I donate; maybe only $10 goes to the kidney patients; the rest goes to "admin charges" :angry:

How I wish CNA interviewed me; then I'll say "maybe water taste better coming from a gold tap".

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Thursday July 14, 10:19 PM

Donors pledge only $6,800 to NKF Cancer Fund during TV show

SINGAPORE : Donors pledged $6,800 to the NKF Cancer Fund as of 5pm on Thursday. This is a far cry from the previous shows which raised between $600,000 and $900,000.

Despite the 1-900 numbers being kept opened until 9pm, the NKF Cancer Show 3 did not actively canvas for donations.

But supporters of NKF turned up in force and packed the TV studio half an hour before the show started at 7.30pm.

The "Thank You Show" is the first presented, where no funds were actively raised on-air, but fans of foreign artistes like Jeff Zhang were not disappointed.

In the past few years, NKF has expanded its fund-raising efforts beyond just kidney, to include children and cancer patients. - CNA


Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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now that the BOD and D**** is out of NKF and no 'imperial' backing, any suing would probably have to come out of his pocket and if the board of inquiry takes place.. dun think his millions is gonna be there for long.. the fines and jail sentence is looming over them...

IMO, the misuse of funds inquiry is probably gonna take place, to appease the public and set precedence for other charities to wake up and show transparency..

Notice that 'gar-ment' take over very sensitively coz one of the prominent figure in the organisation and yet, nothing was mentioned abt the peanuts issue...

anyway, i'm really disgusted by the fact that he still trying to put in good words for himself, and denying any existance of petition going on.. come on lah... we are not fools.. even the papers published the URL.. unless they dun read papers?

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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XPeriment 626, I share your sentiments. Blinded by pass 2 successes in suing people and wilful intent to deceive and hide the truth he lost his sense of judgement...... , blundered and met his Waterloo. I also feel that everything could have been carefully orchestrated because what he did cannot be condoned. So, before anybody gets the wrong idea and think that they can do the same, the needful has to be done to put a stop to it - and it's done!!!!

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