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WTB flat water hose


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Have been carrying buckets of fresh water from my toilet to balcony(where my tank is), this causes me backache. Want to get something below which will make life easier and at the same time does not take up too much space.

Does anyone see something similar sold in singapore?



Roll A Hose takes all the hassle and mess out of watering. This amazing 50 foot flat garden hose lays completely flat just like the hose from a fire truck. But when you turn on the faucet, the hose pops up and the water flows freely. When you're finished, just turn the built in reel and Roll A Hose winds up easily in just seconds with no tangles or knots.

Roll-A-Hose is easy to use and so lightweight that you can easily move it for any job, anywhere. Fire hose technology makes Roll A Hose durable and compact so that it takes up less than half the space of a regular hose. It comes with a built-in handle, water-wringer, easy-wind reel and built-in stand.


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  • SRC Member

cool hose, does this means that you'll just leave it there until you're ready to top up your water?

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member
Have been carrying buckets of fresh water from my toilet to balcony(where my tank is), this causes me backache. Want to get something below which will make life easier and at the same time does not take up too much space.

Does anyone see something similar sold in singapore?



Roll A Hose takes all the hassle and mess out of watering. This amazing 50 foot flat garden hose lays completely flat just like the hose from a fire truck. But when you turn on the faucet, the hose pops up and the water flows freely. When you're finished, just turn the built in reel and Roll A Hose winds up easily in just seconds with no tangles or knots.

Roll-A-Hose is easy to use and so lightweight that you can easily move it for any job, anywhere. Fire hose technology makes Roll A Hose durable and compact so that it takes up less than half the space of a regular hose. It comes with a built-in handle, water-wringer, easy-wind reel and built-in stand.

you can get it from the landscaping shops around caldecott hill .. the brand is called Gardenia and it's about 130 for 50' .. very convenient, portable and easy to stow .. I love mine :D much better quality than the one you post from ebay ..

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Gd product

But the listed price at ebay is usd$9.9

Even after the conversion, its 16.83 sgd..Include freight charges, dont think it wl hit 50 sgd rite??

Vry high profit margin.. Anybody wants a business in bringing it in? :whistle

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  • SRC Member

well not really.. why not use just order from the state and bring in using vpost (if the item is less then 5 lbs).. and since the cost plus shippment is confirm below 400.. thus no GST...

so i think the total cost will be around 20~30 for u only...

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Thanks guys for all the respond. Last night, i went down to one of the neighbourhood store in Sengkang and pick up one. It is 15metres and it cost me $17.50.

Disadvantage is that it does not have any reel. So got to manually roll it up after use. But still it is quite compact and save a lot of space and does not look bulky like the one we normally see selling in Hardware shop.

If anyone interested, i can post the picture one of the day.

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  • SRC Member

wow, that's space saving. :yeah: can't wait to see pic and check out the hardware shops near my place.

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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Sengkang - Rivervale Plaza (2nd floor), the one in the center selling a lot of household hardware.

The whole 15meter hose is placed in a small clear bag around 20cm x 20cm.

Will post picture later.

wah thats very gd space saving... very keen. plse post pix . thks

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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As promise for brother who want to see the picture of what i bought for $17.50. It is not exactly that convenient to keep because no reel as what was posted earlier. So i just roll it into a ball when i keep. But it save me a lot of space.


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