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Post Your SH Tank Pics


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  • SRC Member

hey all just wanted to see some picture of people's tanks :)

i was thinking of a lagoon setting for my new sh tank but i wanted to see wat other ppl are doing

also how come sh keeping seems to be so rare in singapore ? well i have to say sh keeping in perth is very little .... even thought we get so many types and we can catch our own ... <_<

thanks :yeah:

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  • SRC Member

Bro.. did u sae catch on our own?? haha.. catch some for mi leh.. den send to s'pore.. haha... joking.. so how is the tank going?? any sea horse u planning to get for ur tank?? haha...



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  • SRC Member
hey all just wanted to see some picture of people's tanks :)

i was thinking of a lagoon setting for my new sh tank but i wanted to see wat other ppl are doing

also how come sh keeping seems to be so rare in singapore ? well i have to say sh keeping in perth is very little .... even thought we get so many types and we can catch our own ... <_<

thanks :yeah:


You mean you just jumped into those coral reefs and catch them :evil: ? Pardon me, but isn't there any authority :angel: to control this wild catching thingy? :P


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  • SRC Member

well depends on the type all dragons are protected there are just local types which people some collect i use to collect them off the beach after a big storm next to my tafe and then we use put them in this tank in the hatchery until they regained their strengh but we allowed to keep some if we wanted back then i didnt have a tank yet and i am into the tropical sh not the temp ones :P

there are some authority which are from the fisheries and port but as i said only some sp. are protected but u only allow to collect as a hobby not to sell if to sell u need a liense

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  • SRC Member
well depends on the type all dragons are protected there are just local types which people some collect i use to collect them off the beach after a big storm next to my tafe and then we use put them in this tank in the hatchery until they regained their strengh but we allowed to keep some if we wanted back then i didnt have a tank yet and i am into the tropical sh not the temp ones :P

there are some authority which are from the fisheries and port but as i said only some sp. are protected but u only allow to collect as a hobby not to sell if to sell u need a liense

You don't mean these authorities walking around arresting people or checking on the stuffs they obtain from the sea, do they? :eyebrow:

Anyway, I guess the citizens there are more green conscious and honest ...


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  • SRC Member

ermm no they dont if u really want to find out all the laws go to the wa fisheries website i am sure u can look at all the laws. the authorities dont always walk around but sometimes they are there usally around the protected areas where the protect sd and sh are ... and i dont think anyone is that low and sad to go collect and sell to ppl cause they just get caught somehow ...

anyway this is going off topic any pics of tanks thanks

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