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Where to find cheap chillers?..


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  • SRC Member

hi would like to check if a sfiligoi superflite effecient for my 4 footer?..

Its Specification


Cooling power (W) 1250

Produced aerial noise (dB) 64

Working temperature + 15 °C - + 43 °C

Supply 230 V 50 Hz

Consumption (Watt) 560

Dimensions (mm) 560x400x350

Weight (kg) 40

Compressor Yes

Digital electronic thermostat Yes

Ecological refrigerant R 134 a

Minimum flow rate (l/h) 1000

Max. water pressure (Bar) 0.5 Bar

Δt 5°C 4000 lt

Aquarium capacity* Δt 10°C 2000 lt

Δt 15°C 1000 lt


im running my tank under pl light where maximum heat reach is 31deg without any cooling fans/chiller....i also plan to upgrade to t5 next time so would like to check out wit u guys if it is advisable to get this model?...thanks for your help!

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  • SRC Member

hmmm..decided not to get that chiller...where to find shop selling resun cl650 at $430 and below ar?..plan to get it today..a shop offered me $480..sheesh..difference of $50 lei..can buy dunno how many treats for my fish sia..

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  • SRC Member

why don't you call up jireh and ask...they are at the west and price their stuff quite competitvely....if not just gauge if $50 diff. is worth trip

instead of asking bro here how much....just pick up the phone and call lah!!!! faster and you can also check for availablity...no wasted trip and you get the actual pricing from the store themseleve instead of bros who might have brought their chillers ages ago....;)

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