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Dual Beckett Skimmer


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  • SRC Member

Will be getting my dual beckett soon, its 8inch diameter and around 36 inches tall. I was wondering which pump will be the best combo, as I was about to order my Iwaki's from HK.

here r 3 Options

1. 1 X MX 100 for dual

2. 1 X MX 70 for dual

3. 2 X MD 55

Beckett skimmer user please comments


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Iwaki MX70

Capacity : 5400 L/hour

Power : 250 Watt

Max Head : 7.8 Meter

Iwaki MX100

Capacity : 6600 L/hour

Power : 240 Watt

Max Head : 9 Meter

from Sugi's previous thread


It is not a mistake.....the MX100 draws 240W and the MX70 draws 250W

see the sticker on my MX100


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bro, but yrs it 6ft tall leh, mine barely 36 inches... really scare it overflow

tell your skimmer maker to put 2 valves in your skimmer...or use a giant one....if kiasu use 2inch gate valve lor :P ....then your bottom box will be big...but got advantage...you will significantly reduce any possibility of microbubbles back to your system as the microbubbles discharging into the chamber has time to rise into the chamber before being exiting the skimmer.

always plan for extra capacity so that you can push more water through the skimmer if you want to...you shouldn't be limited by the limitations of the skimmer design itself :lol:

just imagine, using a larger gate valve can let u choose to use md55, mx70, mx100 and so on....u can still use md55 and when u want to, change to bigger pump and use the same skimmer.

whereas using a smaller gate valve RESTRICTS you to smaller pumps and when u want to change a bigger pump, you end up changing skimmer AGAIN.

get the picture? Why should u let a measly gate valve restrict your choices of pumps or even worry about flooding ;)

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  • SRC Member

2" gate valve :shock: , ok will check with my skimmer builder... till now i'm still thinking whether to run it single first or heck care lar jus wack both :eyebrow: but the electricity bill :cry:

Need to check the price of the MX100 with my friend first

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Actually maybe even 1.5inch gate valve will do for you lah....well, at least I think 1.5inch gate valve should be able to handle your option of a 1 x MX100 easily.

Just get the MX100 lor....run single or dual with it doesn't affect wattage too much.

1 MX100 - 240W max

1 MX70- 250W max

2 x MD55 - 260W max together

easy choice right? :lol:

Just that 2x MD55 gives you the freedom to disconnect and service one link while the other link is still in use...but of coz you need suitable valves at the correct places to enable you to do that ;)

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My MX70 driving single beckett was drawing abt 172W. 48" tall 6" dia chamber.


The actual power drawn would depends on head pressure, MX100 has high head pressure and the actual flow and power consumption will be higher than MX70 at the same head pressure.

If I had to do it again, my choice would be either




For MX100 split into 2 injector if one injector is choked then the excess pressure will be diverted to the other injector.

For the 2xMD55 you can power down 1 pump for cleaning and still have the other pump running but this setup requires slightly more space.

Remember to put a strainer at the pump inlet to prevent any rubbish from being sucked in causing choke to the pump or injector.

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Do note also that Weileong's MX70 used 172W through one injector whereas my MX100 used 228W through 2 injectors.

Using 2 injectors would allow more water flow and thus wattage goes up as well, I won't be surprised if the mx100 through one single injector would be below 200W as well because a single bottleneck would restrict more flow and as flow goes down, wattage goes down as well.

So although using the same pump on dual injectors will use up more wattage due to overall more water flow thru both injectors, you would also be getting more air sucked into your skimmer as well, which ain't a bad thing.

At the end of the day, the higher the wattage drawn from the iwaki, it means more water is flowing through the injectors and more air is sucked into the skimmer :)

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  • SRC Member
Will be getting my dual beckett soon, its 8inch diameter and around 36 inches tall. I was wondering which pump will be the best combo, as I was about to order my Iwaki's from HK.

here r 3 Options

1. 1 X MX 100 for dual

2. 1 X MX 70 for dual

3. 2 X MD 55

Beckett skimmer user please comments


Bro, can share how much it cost for the Iwaki pump in HK? may be keen to get it as well so we can have it at the same time :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
skimmer not ready but pump arrived liao :lol: , should be fixing it up this weekend.

I guess it will be better to place the inlet and outlet in the first chamber right ?

if it's going to be a pressure rated pump, e.g. iwaki, decibel level is definitely gonna go up.

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