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My 2ft by 1.5ft by 1.5ft marine setup


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After about 1 1/2 mths..Stuff in tank was added slowly not all at once. After about 3 weeks I added my first soft coral.."Leather toadstool". During the cycling stages had a few casualties involving a couple of fish.Was affected by a batch I bought due to cynaide poisoning . :angry: ..Anyways, my tank has been running smoothly since then..I removed the coral chips in my sump due to many ppl asying that it'll become a "nitrate factory" and also cause it was accumulating lots of detritus.

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No choice as I don't hv a chiller. My water will start "boiling" if I put it too close to the water surface..I have already secured the stands with screws and clamps so it's not able to wobble.

Thanks for the advice though. Cheers.

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  • SRC Member

;) Hi Bro,

Nice lights that you have. Regarding your multi power extention, you may want to locate it where it will not have any chance of getting wet. You may also want to get those with more connection points rather than using a muti-adapter on a power extention, get those with surge protection even better.

Just some personal comments.

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Nice and clean set-up!

Noticed you have a very nice overflow and sump DIYed, you did it yourself? Good work!


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  • SRC Member
;) Hi Bro,

Nice lights that you have. Regarding your multi power extention, you may want to locate it where it will not have any chance of getting wet. You may also want to get those with more connection points rather than using a muti-adapter on a power extention, get those with surge protection even better.

Just some personal comments.

Looks like i'll hv to go electrical shop soon..Thanks for the advice.

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  • SRC Member
Nice and clean set-up!

Noticed you have a very nice overflow and sump DIYed, you did it yourself? Good work!


Actually a friend of mine did it ..He has since upgraded to a bigger tank so I got the overflow and the sump off him.

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Skimmer seem to b under performin. Might wanna adjust it for better performance. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
Skimmer seem to b under performin. Might wanna adjust it for better performance. ;)

Check your air hose, if its not plugged, I think you need a stronger skimmer pump, too much headloss from the pvc piping. Or you can try running the RSB in-sump and use a short flexible hose to connect the skimmer pump to the skimmer and see its performance. RSB is a good skimmer, would be more than enough for your 2ft tank.


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maybe u would like to remove your bioballs & replace with other substrate with more surface area.IMO bioballs will trap dirts & your Nitrate level will be difficult to control.

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maybe u would like to remove your bioballs & replace with other substrate with more surface area.IMO bioballs will trap dirts & your Nitrate level will be difficult to control.

Any examples as to what I can replace my bio balls with..That compartment is just a drip through and not submerged in water.

On top of the bio balls I have already added a 'Poly-bio marine bio-filter" and the "aquaPharm PUR-II water recharge pouch"

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  • SRC Member
leather coral can grow really wide and big. if it is placed at the center of the tank, you may have problems in future for other corals, light may not be able to reach them. for me, i push it to the side of the tank :rolleyes:

No worries as I don't intend to get anything else at the moment.Will do the necessary arrangements when the time comes to add more stuff..

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