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Equipments that make significant improvement


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  • SRC Member

This thread is to share the list of "No Regrets" equipments that have make significant improvement to your tank after learning the "hard" way from upgrading equipments. Below are my list of "No regrets Equipments".

1)RM Mini-Beckett (better skimming)

2)RM Calcium Reactor (ease of dosing, rid of ionic imbalance)

3)TS-07 Tunze Pulsing Stream (keeping detritus in suspends)

4)RM Kalk reactor (ease of mixing and accidental dosing of undissolve kalk)

5)XM 10K (better PAR, whiter in colour)

6)Eheim 1262 (reliability)

7)PH monitor (ease of manual test, faster corrective action so less stress to LS)

8)Bare sump (removal of bioballs/rings/refugium)

9)Distilled water or DI water (rid of diatoms,cyano)

10)Digital timer (rid of occassional analogue timer getting stuck)

11)Maxijet (better suction cup, ease of mind from ph falling)

12)Ozone Generator (water clarity improvement)

Hope rest of you guys esp. those who upgrade their equipments more often can share their experiences.


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  • SRC Member

my equipment not much

but here's my input


2)pinpt ph monitor (no longer need to guess what colour is on the ph kit and monitoring can be done 24hrs with a glance of the eye)

3)Tubby Auto water top up (no longer need to worry about tank's salinity)

4)german analogue timer for lights (german stuff power man!)

5)eheim 1262 (simply powerful and quiet)

6)Joe P's FR (so easy to change rowa...when i used resun, had to screw it so tight or it'll leak because of absense of rubber seal)

7)Mh lights (shimmering and simply bright)

8)Korallin Ca R (although still tuning, i believe it'll make my life so much easier after properly tuned)

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