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280kgLR 1kg at $5

1)cup coral $15

2)pink lorbon $35

3)red lorbon $35

4)purple plate $20

5)pearl bubble $25 taken

6)pink tip plate $35

7)green meat coral $30

take all from 1 to 7 will be $160


7)orange digital frag $10 2 1/2 inch reserve

8)blue tip acro $25


1)pacificcool chiller 1/2hp 1 yr old $600

2)clacium reactor 32inch tall 6 inch diameter w/ arm 6mth w/ ehiem 1250 $450

3)250walts w/ ballast w/ 8 mth 14k hamilton bulb w/ spider refector w/ diy housing later will show pic $100

4)2x sio 820 selling at $45 each

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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280kgLR 1kg at $5

1)cup coral $10

2)pink lorbon $30

3)red lorbon $30

4)purple plate $20

5)pink tip plate $35

6)green meat coral $30

take all from 1 to 6 will be $140


1)pacificcool chiller 1/2hp 1 yr old $600

2)clacium reactor 32inch tall 6 inch diameter w/ arm 6mth w/ ehiem 1250 $450

3)250walts w/ ballast w/ 8 mth 14k hamilton bulb w/ spider refector w/ diy housing later will show pic $100

4) seio 820 selling at $45 each

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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  • SRC Member
,Jul 3 2005, 11:00 AM] coral

280kgLR 1kg at $5

1)cup coral $10

2)pink lorbon $30

3)red lorbon $30

4)purple plate $20

5)pink tip plate $35

6)green meat coral $30

take all from 1 to 6 will be $140


1)pacificcool chiller 1/2hp 1 yr old $600

2)clacium reactor 32inch tall 6 inch diameter w/ arm 6mth w/ ehiem 1250 $450

3)250walts w/ ballast w/ 8 mth 14k hamilton bulb w/ spider refector w/ diy housing later will show pic $100

4) seio 820 selling at $45 each

upz for u bro :P

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The pink tip plate and purple plate is fab. WOuld hav got it if i had the space... U guys should take a look. :D

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280kgLR 1kg at $5

1)cup coral $10

2)pink lorbon $30

3)red lorbon $30

4)purple plate $20

5)pink tip plate $35

6)green meat coral $30

take all from 1 to 6 will be $140


1)pacificcool chiller 1/2hp 1 yr old $600

2)clacium reactor 32inch tall 6 inch diameter w/ arm 6mth w/ ehiem 1250 $450

3)250walts w/ ballast w/ 8 mth 14k hamilton bulb w/ spider refector w/ diy housing later will show pic $100

4) seio 820 selling at $45 each

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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  • SRC Member


280kgLR 1kg at $5

1)cup coral $10

2)pink lorbon $30

3)red lorbon $30

4)purple plate $20

5)pink tip plate $35

6)green meat coral $30

take all from 1 to 6 will be $140


7)2xzoos $10 brown center green

8)orange yuma 2 rock $10

9)blue zoo size a plam hand $10


1)pacificcool chiller 1/2hp 1 yr old $600

2)clacium reactor 32inch tall 6 inch diameter w/ arm 6mth w/ ehiem 1250 $450

3)250walts w/ ballast w/ 8 mth 14k hamilton bulb w/ spider refector w/ diy housing later will show pic $100

4) seio 820 selling at $45 each

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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  • SRC Member


280kgLR 1kg at $5

1)cup coral $10

2)pink lorbon $30

3)red lorbon $30

4)purple plate $20

5)pink tip plate $35

6)green meat coral $30

take all from 1 to 6 will be $140


7)2xzoos $10 brown center green

8)orange yuma 2 rock $10

9)blue zoo size a plam hand $10


1)pacificcool chiller 1/2hp 1 yr old $600

2)clacium reactor 32inch tall 6 inch diameter w/ arm 6mth w/ ehiem 1250 $450

3)250walts w/ ballast w/ 8 mth 14k hamilton bulb w/ spider refector w/ diy housing later will show pic $150 typo error sorrie

4) seio 820 selling at $45 each

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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