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Activated Carbon

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Hello guys...

I was thinking of using activated carbon to improve my water quality...

Are there any brand that u guys are using and think it's worth recommending?

I have come across many brands of carbon selling for between $2-$50 plus...

so i dun really noe which one i shd buy...

And do we put them in for ard 1-2 mth b4 we change?


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I like Matrix Carbon by Seachem.


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Depending on the size of your tank, you could use 4-5 tablespoon full of carbon and replace it every 2 weeks. It's not efficient to dump a lot in and leave it for months.


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wan,Sep 11 2003, 11:59 PM] chemi-pure is by far the best active carbon in the market, IMO. coz it was made for marine.

Are you kidding?? Then what about Kent Marine Reef Carbon.I dont think that is meant for freshwater. is it the best? I generally avoid products that come from unknown companies and make ridiculous claims

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yah man...if i had not seen their trademark quote, i might still consider trying chemipure... but after hearing that "no water changes for 5 years, or forever" , i really have doubts abt the product...too good to be true

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Don't underestimate Chemi-Pure. Just because there is a claim that there is no need for water change, we will have to follow the claim. BTW, the claim is made by those people marketing the product in Singapore and it is mentioned in the green sticker with a Luohan fish on it. The intention is to target those Luohan enthusiasts to buy this product which is actually more suitable for marine fish.

I think because of this sticker, the reliability of this product is under fire. I sincerely believe those marketing people need to be fired from their job coz they had done so much to defame this product.

You could only see the claim mentioned here in Singapore and nowhere else. As such, please do your regular water changes like I did, in addition to adding this product as part of your chemical filtration.

Hope this clarify the doubts that have been spreading like wild fire about the reliability of this product.

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Yeah I recently changed tried chemipure & I must say its very gd product. I also use my chemipure in cannister filter as form of chemical filtration. Try chemipure, u wont regret it . hahaha sounding like salesman hahaha

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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