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My 4 Ft Tank


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A pic of my Porites Cylindrica..a sps that likes strong lights and High currents....will thrive in high current, has impressive growth rates ;)


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My tangs in my tank :lol:

Nice tank, I like your green elegance, what do you feed it with, been with you for a long time? I don't have much success with this coral, the latest one I have been with me for 10 days, feed cyclops, plankton tablets and mysis, so far OK.

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I am actually looking for big open brain or maze brain...to be the centre piece on the sandbed...find it more stable than clams and more stunning right smack in the middle..looking at diameter 10 to 15 cm size :evil:


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Nice tank, I like your green elegance, what do you feed it with, been with you for a long time? I don't have much success with this coral, the latest one I have been with me for 10 days, feed cyclops, plankton tablets and mysis, so far OK.

I have forgotten the purchase date..maybe 2 months plus liaos...got it from T95...I just 'pump' bioplankton daily...and feed with Golden Pearls every 2-3 days...

According to Marine Biologist Eric Borneman..they are not doing well probably because of harvesting ..(corals reached us injured and stressed out...so dun last long)

Placing it is important ....if the meaty part opens up...and touches rough areas, like rocks or other corals, it may be stressed and retract....after a few days ...its meaty part will detach.....

Though not necessary dead...reefers normally will throw it away when they see this happening.....

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another favourite button coral that I almost lost long ago :lol:

This WAS what's mine looks like until it's demise due to my carelessness. BTW it cannot be placed near mushroom anemones, it can kill this coral, my green one was very badly injured by it's allelopathic compound, it shrunk a couple of days after I accidentally place the mushroom anemones (discosoma/actinodiscus) next to it.


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a Cinarina Lacrymalis

one of my favourite coral....this one is recovering...it was actually this colour a long time ago before it got lost and crushed among my rockwork


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This WAS what's mine looks like until it's demise due to my carelessness. BTW it cannot be placed near mushroom anemones, it can kill this coral, my green one was very badly injured by it's allelopathic compound, it shrunk a couple of days after I accidentally place the mushroom anemones (discosoma/actinodiscus) next to it.

a pity to lose this coral.....love the bubbly look:wub: .....I feel your pain...I took more than 6 months to acquire these pair....combined together cost me about $100 ......no choice ...my love..pay higher to get LFS boss to fish it out from showtank :P


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I'm so jealous...you always get the nicest specimens...me dun even get a chance to touch it... :(

my latest button...saw it at Uncle's :rolleyes: showtank...pester him for a while...he finally sold it to me... :lol::lol:


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anyone know the exact name of this coral??? think it is a Mycedium sp. not sure

think bro GT has something like it as well..Mycedium elephantotus ...elephant nose coral???


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...I took more than 6 months to acquire these pair....combined together cost me about $100 ......no choice ...my love..pay higher to get LFS boss to fish it out from showtank :P

Nice pair and colour, mine cost me half the price buy colour not as nice as yours, sometimes it is worth paying more for beautiful stuff as most LFS, if you do not know them well enough will not sell to you.

This coral can expand tremendously once it is acclimatise, may take about 6 months to be this size, see pics below. The first picture after a few weeks, the second after a few months, so allow some space for expansion


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updating this...used to think it is a blastomussa wellsi...but check borneman's book..and found out the name to be Blastomussa merleti


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This coral can expand tremendously once it is acclimatise, may take about 6 months to be this size, see pics below. The first picture after a few weeks, the second after a few months, so allow some space for expansion

cool size ....I guess best thing is to leave them alone and let them spread it all out :lol:

do you feed meaty food??? I heard meaty corals do take meaty food to do THAT well....

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my old tuberina...from Wanatu...too bad withot proper intense lighting...it has lost its yellowness when I was running the 150w......sigh..a rare specimen....if I ever see it again...sure buy :lol:

saw similar one in eaquarist sometime back...but reserved liaoz by someone


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