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My 4 Ft Tank


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just took a pic of another feeding session of my anthias in blue llights.

Noticed all my 5 pruple queens swimming together and eating with the dispars already...

Realised that disregard what variety of species you have, once a group starts eating, the rest follows...even my new sunburst is swimming and eating withthem liaoz............

Purple Queens are famous for being very picky with food, normally they will starve to death...but I have been observing them for days: they are shy but will take food. after the inital 3 started taking food, the 2 new ones I added also quickly got climatised and follows the rest to eat. Seems promising.

Just contributing some exp. to share with those interested in purple queens(of course in a tank with no agreesions from damsels, angel fishes helps a lot)

Food I feed my anthias with:

Cyclopeze, mysis, small krill, brine shrimps, golden fish eggs

Feeding routine:

2 -3 times a day. (book I read up recommended 4 times)

Yip with so maintaining healthy water condition is very important....

Some sps reefers even suggest not to keep anthias with sps due to their constant feeding but how would an sps reef be complete without anthias :lol::lol::lol:

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finally, the gramma was stared down...by the attitude face of the sunburst......

veri happy..that the sunburst is eating liaoz...always swimming around :lol: and waiting for food liaoz :lol::lol:


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IMO, i find that it is quite easy to get sunburst to eat... The 2 i have in my tank started eating almost immediately(big already ard 1 week plus start eating immediately after i intro to the tank and i bought it the next day after the shipment came which is not advisable for such picky fish)(My smaller one started eating after 1 week of hiding)

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Deep Blue,

I see you have a nice collection of anthias. Could you list down the anthias you have and how many of each type?

I'm also keping anthias but unsure as to how many of each to keep so that they are happy? Been told that anthias are schooling fish and keeping 1 or 2 will not work, is this true? :(

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Deep Blue,

I see you have a nice collection of anthias. Could you list down the anthias you have and how many of each type?

I'm also keping anthias but unsure as to how many of each to keep so that they are happy? Been told that anthias are schooling fish and keeping 1 or 2 will not work, is this true? :(

No, the mentality from your second paragraph is wrong.... In fact some anthias especially those that are fiercer for example truncate fairy, tri- color or squaminpinnis are recommended to be kept alone due to their nature. Yes these anthias can be schooled, but a very large tank is needed and there should be only 1 species with many female and just 1 or 2 males. Anthias which are less tempered such as dispar, purple queen or tiger anthias are commonly school by ppl as they are not so aggressive but even so they can be kept solitary.

Anthias are very nice fish to watch but they can only display thier natiral behavior if you know whats right for them. ;);)

I am not bro DB but i do hope that i answer your question ;););)

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Thanks Dispar,

Sorry :off: 1 more question? How about sunburst? Must be kept alone? (Sorry that 2 questions :cry: )

You do not have to school sunburst, they are cave deweller and seldom seen swimming openly in the tank(although both of my sunbursts does... WEIRD) its ok to have a few of them but they wun really school together but most liekly what they will do is mingle as a small group like what they do in the wild. BTW sunburst is thought to be mild temepered than most other anthias so their tankmate should be choosen with caution.

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Our young bro has shared a lot of valuable info, I find another anthias very fierce: lyretail, so far my mix of purple queens, dispar anthias, tiger queen and one randall is doing very well together. Even my sunburst swims with them.

the only 2 gals that showed a more aggressive potential are the lyretails....

I am just going to stay with this number for the time being...the next few days I want to concentrate in removing a couple of pest from my tank:

the big bristle that had its head extended into the body of a dead anthias(the first casualty 's moving ardso far) ...damn gross....

managed to see it in action just now.... :sick:

the anthias must have died because of it or by another prime suspect...the big crab that hanging among the rock works :angry:

Operation pest removal going to start tomolo :evil::evil::evil:

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Our young bro has shared a lot of valuable info, I find another anthias very fierce: lyretail, so far my mix of purple queens, dispar anthias, tiger queen and one randall is doing very well together. Even my sunburst swims with them.

the only 2 gals that showed a more aggressive potential are the lyretails....

I am just going to stay with this number for the time being...the next few days I want to concentrate in removing a couple of pest from my tank:

the big bristle that had its head extended into the body of a dead anthias(the first casualty 's moving ardso far) ...damn gross....

managed to see it in action just now.... :sick:

the anthias must have died because of it or by another prime suspect...the big crab that hanging among the rock works :angry:

Operation pest removal going to start tomolo :evil::evil::evil:

hahah a mantis shrimp from my tank swim through the overflow compartment and onto my sump where the sponge is... now die there :lol::lol:

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FINALLY...after losing up to four anthias in the last four five days......caught 2 crabs today!!!(one by my wife)

This is the big one, near 1 inch in size (without extending claws :evil: )

pic is what's left of it, the rest of the juicy part is in my trigger's tummy.



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yup, when I spotted it, it was still busy chomping away what looked like the remains of one of my tiger queens....It has probably killed my male purple queen, Dispar alpha male and another dispar female.....

I suspect a couple more inside....if I see them.....it will be trigger din din time again :evil::evil::evil::evil:

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added this little guy today...a rainford's goby..very lovely and peaceful guy....but ventured into my brazilian gramma's territory kana the BIG MOUTH treatment :lol::lol::lol:


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FINALLY...after losing up to four anthias in the last four five days......caught 2 crabs today!!!(one by my wife)

This is the big one, near 1 inch in size (without extending claws :evil: )

pic is what's left of it, the rest of the juicy part is in my trigger's tummy.


Looking at the size... :shock:

Poor fishes...great that you have your wifey's fish to take revenge for... :lol::lol:

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This is what I have been busy with today....didnt even have time to go see evansi.....will test for a while and do the review and report to the maker later... :lol::lol::lol::lol:


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