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where is the RSB????


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bro alan and weiloong, both of you really bros man....create things that make us goes headache....and both of your avatar is the same...u all planned together one huh....mai leh! friday liao leh...make us think so much.....but I LIKE IT!!!! HAHAHAHHA

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  • SRC Member


so chim........

i know which cowabunga auntie....

but i not sure the RSB...... to me.... the so called person is RBS..... Really B*LL SH*T....

but then again... wad am i ranting here??? i dun even know the full story.....

i juz dun like this person calling ppl cowabungas....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Wah really change the skimmer liao ah(always see IT looking at DIY beckett forum, skimmer discount).... hahah.... Jialat lah IT, always praise IT's own stuffs, and den ppl comment abit, buey song liao, want to slash ppl using ITs scapel liao :lol::lol::lol: .... In its tank thread, you can only say WAH! this tank very nice/ SLURP very chio/ wah seh, can be another TOTM material.... :lol::lol::lol:

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Wah really change the skimmer liao ah(always see IT looking at DIY beckett forum, skimmer discount).... hahah.... Jialat lah IT, always praise IT's own stuffs, and den ppl comment abit, buey song liao, want to slash ppl using ITs scapel liao :lol:  :lol:  :lol: ....  In its tank thread, you can only say WAH! this tank very nice/ SLURP very chio/ wah seh, can be another TOTM material.... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

And also pple give advise and the fish cannot tahan and that's why cheong with so many pple.

Oh ya the fish and doggies goes ard badmouth SRC and yet when got things to sell will come back SRC. What to do? the new place they go quite deserted, active users the fingers on 1 hand can count already.

Why choose to be outcast and yet still come back?

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  • SRC Member

yes i know that lah bro alan...this Axxxx Pxxxx but figuring what other names she uses? is it SHE? i guess so.....

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