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What Is This?

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  • SRC Member

I got something. It looks like a human brain. there are small tentacles coming out of it when the light is dim. My friends tell me it's a brain but I read brain got mouth and eat prawn but mine dont have any 'mouth' at all. It's round. what is it? issit some kind of other type of brain? it's hard. Got a bit luminous green colour. No pics wor.

assume any of u know what is it, what are it's requirements?

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I got something. It looks like a human brain. there are small tentacles coming out of it when the light is dim. My friends tell me it's a brain but I read brain got mouth and eat prawn but mine dont have any 'mouth' at all. It's round. what is it? issit some kind of other type of brain? it's hard. Got a bit luminous green colour. No pics wor.

assume any of u know what is it, what are it's requirements?

i think you got youself a close brain... Like those found ar PR.......... hey AT have one you might want to ask him on the infor on how to keep them and their requirement..........

Does it look like this???? :unsure::unsure::unsure:


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what r it's requirements? does it need a lot fo light? what to feed it? does it need any special nutrients? iodine? calcium at what level?

I got a lot of them from a beach hehehe

BEACH!!!!! :blink::blink::blink: oh ok

hey i have no experience with them but this is the information i gathered from fish domain.com............... Hey ask the gurus who have kept them like AT

"The Closed Brain coral is a difficult coral to keep and should be left to the advanced reef hobbiest. It requires extremely high levels of light and near perfect water quality. Requires monthly feeding of baby brine shrimp and daily water supplements. However it does make a fine addition to the reef aquarium"

(information gathered from fishdomain.com)

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how come when i switch off the lights, the tentacles come out long long and when i switch on the lights, the tentacles shrink? i tot they light no light?

See the info i got from fish domain, it stated that closed brain need lots of light........... And i have no experience with them, its better if you ask those who kept them like AT

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  • SRC Member

These brain corals definitely need light. Depending on where they are collected the light requirement can defer a lot. They take to being fed seafood and fish food. If conditions are right, they will thrive but they don't show a lot of growth.

Like most other corals they extend their tentacles at night to catch food.


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