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The murder of the china young lady


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  • SRC Member

Recently , news have been reporting about a china woman with

body being cut into pieces and dump into kallang river and tuas....area

I wonder how can a 50 year old man :angry: with a family did such a horrible

thing to a nice lady who just want to come here and earn a living

for her family :(

More or less , this old man will be punish by law and sentence to death sia

Just hope that Justice will be done in this horrible murder that took place

in our land

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  • SRC Member
Recently , news have been reporting about a china woman with

body being cut into pieces and dump into kallang river and tuas....area

I wonder how can a 50 year old man :angry: with a family did such a horrible

thing to a nice lady who just want to come here and earn a living

for her family :(

More or less , this old man will be punish by law and sentence to death sia

Just hope that Justice will be done in this horrible murder that took place

in our land

CRIME and Passion I supposed

Anyway I strongly believe the victim must have fallened up with suspect

and in return he lost control of his feelings and anger......

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  • SRC Member
Didn't read the news but don't under-estimate what these China girls can do for $$. May be is a case of "no-money, no-honey". So love turned into hatred.

Ur side of story patrick ;) or your experience :rolleyes:

We can't jurge from just looking over the news, there could be some other things that we don't know.

First, who is sure it's done by 50 yrs old man :P

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Ur side of story patrick ;) or your experience :rolleyes:

We can't jurge from just looking over the news, there could be some other things that we don't know.

First, who is sure it's done by 50 yrs old man :P

quite true.. hmmm maybe it is done by his wife... ??? who found out they have affair????

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  • SRC Member
IMO, both are wrong.

Man has family should know better than to get mistress

Mistress knows man is married with kids should know better and stay away.

The things people do for money...

you are so wrong...

its not always about money...

sometimes the small head gets the better of the bigger head....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member

you are so wrong...

its not always about money...

sometimes the small head gets the better of the bigger head....

what about the girl?

she has no small head...only her big head that told her to give in the male's approach

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have anyone ever thought maybe the girl wanted to find a Singaporean husband so that she can get a PR here??? Like those "wu ya" that were mentioned in the past?

Maybe the man killed her when she "threatened" to tell his wife? Maybe she extorted from him?

I sympatise with her mishap, but sometimes we dun really know the whole, real story... :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member

Wow..you think I so "chee koo peh" is it. :P

Hee Hee from the look can tell ;) , since u r in BKK, so same weather here...... but u r lot lot better lar, haa haa jk

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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