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Aquacultured mysis


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  • SRC Member

Do senior reefers here knows of any lfs which consistently sells live mysis shrimp?Saw some in AA's clam tank.LOlx.Remember seeing on one of the threads that harlequin sells mysis. Does it still do that now?Many thnx.

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  • SRC Member

hi jenson, i am trying to culture some mysids in my refugium now but their population seems to boom then dwindle then boom again without any significant population increase. know i'm supposed to segregate the young from the adults but its kind of difficult without special nettings.

i dont know of any lfs that sells live mysids, but bro loster has some in his spare tank though they are dead hard to catch. may i ask if youre planning to culture them for food for your livestock?



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  • SRC Member

Yups!For the WC seahorses!!They cost less but dosen't feed on frozen the first time i try!!!First i feed them with live mysis which they would probably eat then i feed the frozen ones, with some current to stimulate the horsies to feed!!

BTW do they get large as in an inch or maybe EVEN MORE?The frozen ones are small tho :D

Many thnx brO

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guys! where can I get some live mysis?? Would like to give it a go.Will post my findings.So far had culture phytoplankton, rotifers...(gonna try brine shrimp, but prefer on researching on mysis) all this in preparation of rearing seahorses!!tempted to get some...but fear mortality rate!! had wasted purple queens anthias ...now have 9 all nice and healthy on diet of phytoplanktons and cyclop-eeze.

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I've had live mysid in my refugium for some time but they somehow only come out at night. That day when giantbicycle came to my place, while viewing the tank, a shrimp exoskeleton sort of drifted past us!!! Wonder if it was a molt or my fishes had eaten them :lol:

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  • 5 months later...
  • SRC Member

hi tigger, you can access my open briefcase at http://briefcase.yahoo.com

user is- ianmajeur

password is- password

i couldnt really take a clear photo of my live mysids as they move about too quick and are too small, so i shot a small video of them swimming around. its in mpg form, about 3mb, in my briefcase.

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  • SRC Member

if u're looking for live brine shrimps... iwana n ah beng's everyday oso hv plenty

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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