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My 3ft Tank


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Tank dimensions : 36x20x20 (9mm)

Lighting : 2xMH (150w each 20000K and 14000K)

2xFL atinic (36w)

Lights on for 6 hours

Filtration: overflow with sump (will post pix when i fix the image size)

ehiem canister w carbon and bio rings (also used to control flow rate

through chiller)

Prizm skimmer

U/V (8 hour cycle)

Chiller (range 25-27(with lights on) degree celsius)


Refugium: Aquafuge hang on refugium (works excellent!!)

Sorry for the sketchy info but still trying to learn lingo :):)

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The tank has been up for 8 months, not including cycling. Just LR and 1 clown ( the one in the picture) for bout 8 weeks.

Now got a bit of diatom problem but minor one.

Lucky my flame angel dont disturb my clams and corals. Maybe i keep it well fed or my fuge also got a lot of pods. Bottom line is i dont know......??haha :P I onli know damn heng to get a flame that dont disturb clams.

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i got it off marine depot website. cannot seem to find it in singapore yet. I suggested to all the LFS that i go to bring it in but still no action. If you decide to purchase one, make sure the lights are 220V. I forgot and bought one that was 110V. Plugged it in and it fried!!!!hee hee :cry2:

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