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Maintenance of Nano Tanks

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  • SRC Member

I'm new to this hobby and have just setup my 1st tank. I have a few questions I'd appreciate help with:-

My setup


10Kg of Live rocks

3" of Sand and crushed coral

ViaAqua Multi skimmer (non UV version).

Live Stock

1 x True Percula

1 x Striped Damsel

1 x Bocolour Blenny

1 x Cleaner Wrasse

1 x Spotted Cardinal

1 x Boxer shrimp

The tank has been cycled for some time now and the fish were introduced over the weekend.

Nitrate levels are fine, the fish seem quiet happy and are feeding well.


1. How do I know if I have my Viaaqua setup correctly? How should I setup the water flow i.e maximum water throughput or less? Would it harm the coral thats trying to grow from my live rock if the water is directly over it?

2. How do I know if the skimmer is setup correct? It appears that its working fine and dirt is being collected in the chamber, but I dont know if the air mixture is correct?

3. The fish dont seem to accept the wrasse cleaning them and I dont see the wrasse feeding like the others, is this a problem and do I need to feed it anything special?

4. It looks like an adult and baby Emerald crab hijacked my live rocks, Ive not had any hassle from them so should I leave them were they are?

5. Im paranoid about over feeding the fish, but I'm not exactly sure how much I should feed them? I give them a small pinch in the morning and one in the evening and the fish all come up to feed. There doesnt appear to be any left over food other than what sticks to the glass above the water. I'm feeding them freeze dried cyclop-eeze.

Thats it for now. Thanks again for the advice.

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  • SRC Member
I'm new to this hobby and have just setup my 1st tank. I have a few questions I'd appreciate help with:-

My setup


10Kg of Live rocks

3" of Sand and crushed coral

ViaAqua Multi skimmer (non UV version).

Live Stock

1 x True Percula

1 x Striped Damsel

1 x Bocolour Blenny

1 x Cleaner Wrasse

1 x Spotted Cardinal

1 x Boxer shrimp

The tank has been cycled for some time now and the fish were introduced over the weekend.

Nitrate levels are fine, the fish seem quiet happy and are feeding well.


1. How do I know if I have my Viaaqua setup correctly? How should I setup the water flow i.e maximum water throughput or less? Would it harm the coral thats trying to grow from my live rock if the water is directly over it?

2. How do I know if the skimmer is setup correct? It appears that its working fine and dirt is being collected in the chamber, but I dont know if the air mixture is correct?

3. The fish dont seem to accept the wrasse cleaning them and I dont see the wrasse feeding like the others, is this a problem and do I need to feed it anything special?

4. It looks like an adult and baby Emerald crab hijacked my live rocks, Ive not had any hassle from them so should I leave them were they are?

5. Im paranoid about over feeding the fish, but I'm not exactly sure how much I should feed them? I give them a small pinch in the morning and one in the evening and the fish all come up to feed. There doesnt appear to be any left over food other than what sticks to the glass above the water. I'm feeding them freeze dried cyclop-eeze.

Thats it for now. Thanks again for the advice.

1. I have a via skimmer same as yours and its on full power and the coraline aglae and the bta seem to be growing very well with the current

2. ermmm should be fine just tune it once u see skimate coming house like more air it cant make it to the top or raise the collection cup

3. about the cleaning usally its bigger fish that get cleaned from wat i seen ... but usally time will tell since u just added them the feeding i dont have exp in that :P

4. they quite good crabs they eat hair aglae if i am correct but if u dont like crabs u could kill them or give them away :)

5. should be fine make sure they all eating :) i usally only feed mine until they are full :P

and anything they miss usally the hermits or worms get lol

good luck with your tank

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  • SRC Member

you are doing fine. Dun worry too much about the skimmer job, as long as it is giving you good dark skimmate every other day or two, its good.

You are concious not to overfeed and that's good. However, with marine fish a variety of food is better for thier health, growth and colors. Formulae 1 or 2 is excellent for them, mysis shrimp.

Prepared mix seafood is also a way to go but i caution you to use it with care since you are running a small system for fear of ammonia spike

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