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Weekly Updated - 06th Jun to 12th Jun 2005

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Still got lots for True Percula Clown,

Clams, Prata......

Blk D - Ah Beng

Yellow Belly Regal, Juv & Adult Emporer, Adult Blue face, Large, Med, S, size Naso Tangs....

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Bro, not worried it nip your sps ah?

flame angels nip on sps? Doubt so lah............maybe LPS.........but so far It has been behaving well. Maybe cos still got lots of algaes on the LR for him to peck on plus my blue tang and flame hawk is "watching" him.


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flame angels nip on sps? Doubt so lah............maybe LPS.........but so far It has been behaving well. Maybe cos still got lots of algaes on the LR for him to peck on plus my blue tang and flame hawk is "watching" him.


Bro, angels have the tendency to nip at everything... :P Juz your luck seperates a nice angel and a devil angel... :P

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Must really see your luck loh.

I've been reading that it's almost like a 50/50 thing.

Some will nip some won't.

Unfortunately my Flame Angel does nip at everything.

But it's just too cute to remove. :lol:

It's like a fiery red blur little feller darting in and out of all the crevices among the life rocks all day long.

Well, as a consolation my sps doesn't die from the ocassional nips,

just that the polyps are more shy to open up in the day.

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Must really see your luck loh.

I've been reading that it's almost like a 50/50 thing.

Some will nip some won't.

Unfortunately my Flame Angel does nip at everything.

But it's just too cute to remove. :lol:

It's like a fiery red blur little feller darting in and out of all the crevices among the life rocks all day long.

Well, as a consolation my sps doesn't die from the ocassional nips,

just that the polyps are more shy to open up in the day.

Even if you've an angel who doesn't nip, you cant guarantee that it'll remain that way forever... My Flame Angel last time started to nip only after a few months... :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Bro, angels have the tendency to nip at everything... :P Juz your luck seperates a nice angel and a devil angel... :P

my flamey has been w me for 3mths n stil behaving well :rolleyes:

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Flames can start nipping at corals after a year or more, sometimes they'll just nip a little, should'nt be a problem, but sometimes they do focus at one coral and can kill it.

Same goes with clam nipping.


dat's my exact thoughts... was very tempted to buy the Flame Angel at LCK today, very nice... but in the end... the thought of losing my pratas and cyanrinas put me off... :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Anyone know if iwarna got come shipment today?

Heard Ah beng's shop got AT and YT.

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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WAKAI LPS shipment arrived

true octopus

branch hammer


green & red goniopora

red cyannaria

bubble(green big ones)

acan lord and blastos

many many more.. :rolleyes:


view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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