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twice failed!where is the mistake?

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  • SRC Member

Could be the inevitable that has happened!! Perhaps, some bristle worms/crabs have had a nice meal out of it. It is like one of those common occurrences in the sea. Many of my shrimps disappeared mysteriously that way, but I am not giving yet. If that shrimp re-appear again one fine day - it's a bonus!!

To help shrimps moult properly and to enhance their chance of survival you can consider adding some iodide solution in your tank every now and then. Invertebrates need iodide to thrive.

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I just found the body of the dead shrimp. It does really seems it was attacked by fish as he doesnt has its armour to protect him

How long does the shrimp to grow his shelf back after molting? What is the iodide solution that you mentioned? What does it help or do? Can I get it in the marine shop like aquamarine or reborn?

so,the fish would fest on the shrimp after it molted.What can i do?

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Shrimps moult to get out of their old shell which is getting too small for their body which has grown bigger. They usually do so at night among the rocks to hide themselves from predators. I have seen them "slip" out of their old shell slowly. When they are completely out of the old shell they have a new shell on it which is soft, but it will harden slowly. This is when the are very vulnerable - nice to eat too. If nothing attacks them at this stage they will live till the next moult.

Al invertebrates need iodide as a supplement to grow and develop properly. Shrimps will not moult properly if there is a lack of iodide, calcium, etc, and they might just get stuck halfway in their old skin during moulting and die. Then they will join the food chain in the tank. Most lfs selling marine fish have iodide and other supplements in stock. Reborn is selling them at quite reasonable prices.

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the other cleaner shrimp molted last night.I saw the 'jacket' this morning on the sand.At first I thought its dead again but I saw the shrimp behind the rock alive.So I removed the 'jacket'. I hope this one wouldnt be eaten by the fish as it isnt even hiding at all.

Is there anyway we can prevent the fish to attack the cleaner shrimp when it molted?

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relax, the shrimp is smart enough to identify its predators or find its own hiding spot.

and if your tank indeed has predators of the shrimp, it wouldn't survive until now cos it would have been eaten long ago...so relax

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white spots returned again! :(

I bought myxazin from reborn on Monday and since then,I have been using this and garlic guard.It says 5 day course so I only just stopped the myxazin on Friday and turned on the skimmer on saturday morning.

During today's evening feeding,I saw a few white spots on one of the blue tang again.Called aquamarine,the lady told me to restart the myxazin for another 5 days and then change 20% of the water.

How come this white spots keep returningExperience bros,please help me out in this.

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