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DSLR Canon 350D


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if i not wrong.....

Harvey Norman also selling the D70s as promotion also, right???

DA... which one u got??? the canon or nikon???

attended my cousin's wedding last weekend.... (oh yes.... the M3 was great!!!! managed to clock 0-100 in under 5..... of course with permission of the car owner... could have been faster... i was restricted by the flower tied in front of car.... scared if i go any faster... the flower will fly away..)

oh yah... back to main topic.... the photographer was using D100....

i asked him for his opinion of nikon or canon....

no offense to canon owners... but he say canon feels "plastic-ky"... machiam toy...... but canon's auto-focus is very fast compared to nikon.....

thats why photographers at soccer events all like to use canon....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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if i not wrong.....

Harvey Norman also selling the D70s as promotion also, right???

DA... which one u got??? the canon or nikon???

attended my cousin's wedding last weekend.... (oh yes.... the M3 was great!!!! managed to clock 0-100 in under 5..... of course with permission of the car owner... could have been faster... i was restricted by the flower tied in front of car.... scared if i go any faster... the flower will fly away..)

oh yah... back to main topic.... the photographer was using D100....

i asked him for his opinion of nikon or canon....

no offense to canon owners... but he say canon feels "plastic-ky"... machiam toy...... but canon's auto-focus is very fast compared to nikon.....

thats why photographers at soccer events all like to use canon....

I bought the 350D, canon..... IMO both 350D and D70s feel plasticky..... howevere the higher mega pixel and faster start up make me move to canon... Oh ya, the low noise at high ISO and cheaper lens too

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  • SRC Member
wow , when did u learn how to photoshopped ?



must be the war of the worlds in PP


These are the shots that most DSLR and prosummer DC can do. Set high aperture speed with small aperture will get this effect. Don't need to PS the picture.




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  • SRC Member
:off: But any idea if I should get a DLSR from States or Singapore? :P:rolleyes:

mmmmm. I am not in the States now so i dun know the current price.

SG now sells it for $1999 with kit lens. they throw in a cheap carrying bag, a cheap tripod and Sandisk Ultra II 1GB CF card. So maybe you wan to do a comparison.

but if you decided to get one, make sure you grab some CF cards from States cos they are damm cheap over there.

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  • SRC Member
:off: But any idea if I should get a DLSR from States or Singapore? :P:rolleyes:

been published in print b4... that singapore is the cheapest place on earth to get electoronic stuff generally.......

so.... it depends i guess.....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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mmmmm. I am not in the States now so i dun know the current price.

SG now sells it for $1999 with kit lens. they throw in a cheap carrying bag, a cheap tripod and Sandisk Ultra II 1GB CF card. So maybe you wan to do a comparison.

but if you decided to get one, make sure you grab some CF cards from States cos they are damm cheap over there.

Hmm 1899 if you own DBS card ;););) 36 months installment with no interest... Or if you want to pay instantly, I can get ard $1500

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  • SRC Member

not bad shot leh DA, a bit dark but.., like i have said for your fish pic, i love the colors that you brought in. you play with the aperture and white balance?

I took it out to see some sunlight the last Sat. was hoping to get some pic of chinatown pre war building but the moment the cam is out ppl tot i PI or reporter, look at me like one kind like that. Very paiseh meh. end up go to the old church at city hall and join the ang moh tourist shoot here shoot there. :lol:


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IS lens with gold ring on the left

using kit lens to take..

under low light in my computer room.

so set to high F.. hence abit blur..

using flash too harsh lohz..

will post some pics later onz..

at 135mm..

shot zoom @ at 9th storey where I stayed..

garden of lights below my flat.


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