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Who uses store bought distilled water?


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

After my last bout of algae outbreak I seriously considering getting distilled water from the supermarket to do my water changes.

But won't it cost a lot to do that? I mean I change 1 pail of water a week = how many bottles of distilled water?

Won't it be more worth it to buy a distiller?

Advice anyone?


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get RO units or better still get those water filters tat is used to filter our drinking water like those manufactured by Osim and Diamond....

One word of caution RO units wastes a lot of water....

Wah,u want to buy bottled distilled water to change water...I salute u


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  • SRC Member

why is everyone looking at RO?

in water scarce Singapore...Ro basically caters for only the rich or hardcore...(well...usually both rich and hardcore).

There is something in the market which work wonders and thats DI.

It get rids of chlorine, silicates etc etc and it comes at a fraction of the price of RO.

Even Anthony Calfo prefers the DI unit.


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  • SRC Member
why is everyone looking at RO?

in water scarce Singapore...Ro basically caters for only the rich or hardcore...(well...usually both rich and hardcore).

There is something in the market which work wonders and thats DI.

It get rids of chlorine, silicates etc etc and it comes at a fraction of the price of RO.

Even Anthony Calfo prefers the DI unit.


Its because of ro that makes Di last much longer

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  • SRC Member
Im using distilled water to do water changes and RO/DI for topup. Distilled water is bought in 5G bottles as I do 10G water changes (WHEN I have the time to do water changes)....

so how much does a 5gal bottle cost?

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  • SRC Member

I do a 10% water change fornightly... that's 15 gallons of water. (Around 2 large pails).

I use only tap water which I aged it (for one week) with seachem anti-chloramine/chlorine in a 2 feet tank with air pump. ;)

It really depends on livestocks you are keeping as well. In my case, I am only having leathers so it is not so bad to use aged treated tap water. Plus, I have a FR to combat any algae growth. In my own opinion lah....

My wife is already lamenting about the fishes having "air-con"... now I giving DI water and we drink tap water... I can't imagine her reaction.... :lol::D

I guess if you are keeping SPS and some of the higher demanding corals, then it is safer to stick to DI units or so to prevent algae bloom.... but if you can afford it, by all means go for it even if you have a FOWLR... ;)

Distilled water is voided of good elements so I dun use them... plus a bit siong on the pocket too...

Juz my 2 cents worth.

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  • SRC Member

Its because of ro that makes Di last much longer

its true that RO makes DI last longer...but the amount of water rejected by RO makes changing the resin of a DI much much cheaper.

just my 2 cents anyway.

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  • SRC Member
Anyone saw the classifieds today? got a whole section on water purfiers and distillers and stuff...

which newspaper??

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  • SRC Member

Thats good must go and see

i wonder does osim one works ... the small that atttached on to the tap

cost $100 +++

i everday use guardian Distilled water 70 cents one bottle sia

Frankly speaking isnt industrial produce distilled water better then

those RO unit

It will be weird even those industry plant cant even beat all this small Ro


Further more , all this industry distilled water are comply to certain

standard ... for those cheaper RO unit ... They dun really show you any

lab test at all .. and i dun think they will go all the way to pay for all those

expensive Lab test

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  • SRC Member

Some interesting info on those distillation of water

Organics: Antibiotics, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides, Solvents, Growth Stimulants etc.

Inorganics: Hardness Minerals, Phosphorus, Asbestos, Selenium, Sodium, Flourine, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Barium, Nitrates, Copper, Lead, Chlorine, Arsenic.

Biological: Organisms, Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites like Cryptosporidium, Chlamydia, Giardia Cysts.

Radioactive: Radium, Stronium 90, Plutonium.

Distillation Systems have consistently achieved the following proven track records:

Contaminant Elimination between 97% and 99.9% efficiency of all Inorganics tested.

Contaminant Elimination between 95% and 99.9% efficiency of all Organics tested.

Contaminant Elimination 99.9% efficiency of all Biological Organism tested.

Contaminant Elimination between 90% and 99.9% efficiency of all Radioactives tested

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  • SRC Member
bit of off topic, had anyone try using "Diamond Energy Water"? :off:

i tot about this one too. but then they talk about all this wat water molecules gets smaller and etc..., really dun show up in the articles on RO/DI units for aquarist use.

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Thats good must go and see

i wonder does osim one works ... the small that atttached on to the tap

cost $100 +++

i everday use guardian Distilled water 70 cents one bottle sia

Frankly speaking isnt industrial produce distilled water better then

those RO unit

It will be weird even those industry plant cant even beat all this small Ro


Further more , all this industry distilled water are comply to certain

standard ... for those cheaper RO unit ... They dun really show you any

lab test at all .. and i dun think they will go all the way to pay for all those

expensive Lab test


Anyone tried using this Osim purifier? can it work for marine tank? Thanks

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