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Ich on my fishes, pls help ..

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  • SRC Member

Hi bros, I have confirmed one of my tank got ich, I just bought a fish from

a fish shop infected with the disease. please help.

I have added in the anti ich for 3 days already, one full capful every

24hrs, doesnt seem to stop the ich.

But I feel that it must have multipled a lot, as I moved another bigger fish

over, it jumped out overnite, so I believed it cannot take it.

I have also moved the fishes to the quarantine tank, with salinity lowered

to 12-14ppm. it works for a while but the water become very cloudy, they

all come to the water surface to breath. I ran out of resources to maintain

the water clear. So I moved the fishes back to the main tank, everyday increase the anti ich dosage one capful, I really hope it works. I read the article, it say

sure work, but it is 3 days already, the ich i think is still there.

Can any bros be kind to advise, or come to my house to take a look?

If got a stable quarantine tank, I am thinking of moving them over to get

treated first. Dont want to see them die.

Thanks. Really appreciate it.

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Hi bros, or should be keep increasing until the white spots disappeared everyday, the direction said so, but I read that this solution is toxic to the fishes. My solution is the one in blue color, any bro recognise what contents it is made up of?

If it works, I dont mind, but I only worry that the fishes cannot wait until the next 24hrs.

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  • SRC Member

Hi any bros who wishes to help, can sms me at 91059450.

I just took a very close look at the main tank and I saw lots of very tiny white organism on the tank glass. I guess the anti ich doesnt work.

Whether I put it on the main tank or quarantine tank, I guess they going to die soon.

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  • SRC Member

don't you think you are overdosing? try feeding them food with GarlicGuard. Mimick the conditions in your quarantine tank as much as possible. If you run out of resources to maintain your quarantine tank, i guess the only way is to keep them in the main tank. I think your medication should be copper-based. Ich takes more than 3 days to disappear. Are your fishes breathing heavily and rapidly and near the surface?

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  • SRC Member

Yes. in the tank i can see lots of ich there. I dont think the ich are dying.

The fishes's fin already crumbled up abit. after moving to main tank, they seldom come up the surface but they are breathing difficultly.

What i am most worried is I can see the ichs running about on the tank glass ...

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I am using boiling water to pour onto the container to kill thes iches, because as I syphon out the water gets lesser...No choice liao...desperate to try anything just to keep the iches down...and hopeing that the anti ich works soon.

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I also faces this problem now and reading past tread in this forum. I had dose kent pro tech coat into the tank. I switch off my skimmer since sunday, suppose to on it back after 1 week. The kent product is not a medication, it just create slime coat for the fishes. Now observing their progress. Will you update

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  • SRC Member
I have FOWLR , the solution is blue in color.. the brand is Danio i think ..

errr.....you dose medication without knowing what you are doing???? :angry:

where do you stay.....maybe one of the more expereinece bros here can pay you a visit to help you out, don't worry, we wouldn't slime or curse at you..... :D

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  • SRC Member

Ya, no choice, when i saw the first sign, I quickly go and buy

an anti ich solution.

I tried to add it following the directions 1 capful every 24hrs,

but today(3days later) I found my tank full of white spots on the glass.

I know if I can see the tiny spots swimming about, there

must be really lots of it, otherwise my other fish wont jump

out to suicide.

So I speed up the dosage, I rather the anti ich kills my fishes than

the ich kills them.

And if I setup another clean water quarantee tank and mixed the salt

I think it will need some time too.

I stay at Chai Chee road, if any bros coming to help, please sms me

at 91059450. Hopefully tonite caused I think tomorrow at least

some fishes will die.

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  • SRC Member

Stop dosing altogether if its not working, It won't help much except further stress your fishes.

No point stressing that you would rather the fish die from the anti ich, cos common sense tells us that if you didn't care about the fish to live, then you won't wan to rush for medication in the first place. rite bro?

You try to call Henry of ML, he once recommended "Myxazin" (forgive me the spelling is wrong) to my reefer buddy with great success. Also, you can look up in this section about Seamonkee using Seachem Cupparine, in great details.

Hyposalinity is another alternative. Good luck

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  • SRC Member

Sad to hear of your predicament. :(

Still, maybe you should stop what you're doing right now...don't dose with the same medication if it doesn't seem to work. Try hyposalinity bath then move the infected fish into a quarantine tank. Try dosing with Cupramine... works for Seamonkee.

Feed the infected fish with food soaked in garlic to boost their immunity. Remember, garlic is not an instant cure.

All the best! :)

48x30x27' Tank. Beckett Skimmer. Deltec PF600s. RM FR Pro. DE 250Wx2. DE T5 39Wx4. Tunze 7095+6000x2. Sequence DART pumps x2 (1 return+1chiller)

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  • SRC Member

bro, after talking to you over the phone, i would recommened that you seek out bros with QT on stand by to temporary house your 3 fish for you.....my suspicison is the iches is just the symtoms and the cause might be other things....you did mention that your clown jumped to its death, correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't think ich will cause a fish to jump to its death...normally its stress cause by agression or water parameter.....

I'll try to see if i can make it to your place tonight...but in the meantime....

ANY BRO or SIS out there with QT faciliities to help him out????

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Too bad, I am going Japan tommorow liao. If not I can help, will try to inform other bros to help.

Good luck bro!

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  • SRC Member

Firstly, when you have an ich outbreak.... maintain a cool head first and plan out your strategy for eradicating them before putting it into action. ;)

Don't anyhow dose medications without FIRST reading the instructions... some medications (copper-based, malachite green, etc) can be toxic to your fishes if overdosed... some medications are not suitable for corals or inverterbrates...

If you are dosing copper, I recommend Seachem Cupramine BUT do it in a separate tank without any carbon or calcerous stuff (e.g. liverocks, coral chips, sandbed) as they will absorb your copper. Do not pour any medication directly into your main tank. Honestly, I have tried many so-called reef-safe ich medication and none of them truly works....

As for Garlic, it is only a preventive measure rather than a cure.... pretty much like us humans taking garlic daily to protect ourselves from the common flu bug... would be too late to take garlic when you are already sick, right?

Most importantly, read up more about ich and understand its life cycle first... ich don't just disappear over three days... it takes a full 8 weeks to completely eradicate ich from your tank.

Lastly, as a preventive measure, please ensure you buy healthy livestocks from a reliable and reputable LFS if you cannot afford to set up a quarantine tank at home.... honestly, having your fishes and livestocks QT is a best measure against ich attacks.

All it takes is one ich to reproduce into 200 daughter iches... many people are fooled into believing that they have "cured" ich when the tomonts (white spots) exit from the fish body... In reality, they have entered into another cycle to reproduce.... that's how scary it is if you are not patient, careful and conscientious in reading up about this hobby. Sorry to sound blunt but I am being honest and am trying to help as much as I can...

My deepest apologies too for not being able to help hospitalise your fishes on your behalf cause my QT tanks are now occupied till 12 June....

Cheers! ;)

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  • SRC Member
Thanks bro, can you give me Henry's no. and address.

I will go down today to get from him the medication..

Henry will be able to help...

However, how big is your tank first?

It will cost you a hefty sum if you are going to try Myxazin on a huge volume of water.... I heard it is one of the more effective "main-tank" treatment however you need to get plenty of bottles to execute a full treatment over a few days....

So be prepared first....

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Hi bro,

In my recent encounter with ICK, I find medication useless and just stressed out the fishes. Kill the ICK by hyposalination. ICK's mother, father son, eggs...etc....can't stand low SG of 1009. Your FOWLR will do fine at that SG.

Search hyposalination here...u should be able to find lots of useful links. Lots of bro here hv encounters with ICK sooner or later.

If your fishes start to show cloudy eyes, hyperventilate, loses their colours, tends to swim near surface....it serious alreadi. The ICK has gotten into their gills and eyes and under their skins. Your fishes are suffering terribly. :( Drastic situation calls for drastic measures. If I were u, I will drop the SG from 1023 or 1025 down to 1009 within 24 hrs or sooner. Don't worry about killing the fishes..they can tahan low SG. In any case, if u don't do this quickly, those cloudy eyes ones will probably died very soon.

Good Luck.

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  • SRC Member

Hi bros, I have 2 tanks, 1 is 2ft x 1ft x 1ft, that one is doing fine. The other is 2ft x 1.5ft x 1ft. This tank hosts 1 x starfish, 2 butterfly fish and 1 picaso.

When I put the fishes in my quarantine tank, I think I didnt have a proper filtration system, thats why all the fishes come to the surface. When I moved back to the main tank, I saw the fish's fin become more infected. And looking closely on the

tank I saw many tiny white moving organism, I thought that is white ich's babies, and tat time my fishes also look very uncomfortable, so I lose my cool.

I have tried the hyposalination method in the quarantine tank, it did work for a while when I saw the butterfly's fin startin to recover, however after 2 weeks, the water get cloudy due to bad filtration system as I havent ready for 3 tanks.

After talking to Henry, he said that they are cyclogs, and is not harmful. But it seems like multiplying. I read some articles, that they can be out of control too, and cause discomfort to the fishes too.

As for curing the ich, I stopped dosing the medication for today, the fishes' fins are still blurry and patchy with the infection.

The fishes seems quite stable now, I try not to go near the tank or on the lights to reduce their stress. I will monitor until tonite, if it got worse, I will contact the bro who sms to offer to house my fishes temporary.

Thanks for all the advise, I will stop buying any fish for now until I fixed up a proper quarantine tank with the necessary resources to quarantine fishes for 6-8 weeks at least.

I really lost my cool when I started to see the picaso rubbing against the gravel as it it more hardy in the tank. Hai. Just hope these 3 are alright.

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