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what are good "swimmers" to add to a 2ft tank?


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  • SRC Member

any suggestions.... ? currently have 2 perculas & 1 yellow watchman.

wanted dispar anthias, but was told its a big bioload =(

am considering chromis... and a YT in the future. pls dun flame me. i'll get one thats feeding well with a lfs first alirhgt. =)

any suggestions?? =) what can i add in my tank in the meantime? =)

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  • SRC Member

hi there somebody, actually you could consider adding some more hardy corals to your tank and then allow the perculas some time to pair up and you could have a breeding tank. the fun you can have from trying to raise the fry is immense i think.

as above bros mentioned, firefishes (the helfrinchi sp is beautiful) and fairy wrasses will be good additions to a two footer. the firefishes arent likely to jump as long as water parameters are fine and there are no other tank inhabitants that bully it. try the carpenter's filamented fairy wrasse, the filamented fairy wrasse, the lubocke's wrasse or the normal fairy wrasse. these grow at most to 3inches and may be kept in your tank long term. you can also consider clown gobies though you ought to have copepods thriving in your system before you consider adding one just in case they dont feed.

as always, damsels and chromis are good candidates. the blue fin damsel is quite nice i think and hardy, and they are open water swimmers so youll get to see them swimming about all day. the marginated damselfish is gorgeous but i havent ever seen one in an lfs.

dont add bluedevil damsels though as they are terribly agressive in my opinion and will eventually bully all smaller inhabitants.

perhaps invertebrates such as palaemonidae or ###### anemone shrimps?

last note: youll need efficient skimming and a decent sandbed to help accomodate your increased bioload in a two footer. grammas are beautiful too but more ex, so make sure things are settled in your tank before adding them in should you decide to ya.



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  • SRC Member

thanks bro for the long advice. =)

whats a palaemonidae? haha.

wrasses seem nice, but are they ex? hmm... big feeders? those wrasses that you recommended are chio!! haha... but they must be pretty ex right? =(

thanks again.... more suggestions.... =)

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  • SRC Member

HI somebody,

Think chromis will be fine. Damselfish will be nice swimmers but generally a little aggressive. Have you given cardinal fishes a thought? The Banggai cardinal or pyjama cardinal will 'float about' in your tank. :)

48x30x27' Tank. Beckett Skimmer. Deltec PF600s. RM FR Pro. DE 250Wx2. DE T5 39Wx4. Tunze 7095+6000x2. Sequence DART pumps x2 (1 return+1chiller)

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