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I was there earlier. Spoke to Liew. Nice guys imho. As for the tanks, mostly empty and was told that next week new batch of live stock will be coming in.

As for reb***, plenty of fishes and some accessory on the 2nd flr. Didn't play much attention to the fishes as I'll only start my cycling this weekend. Kind of susprise to see some many people already in the shop at that hr (ard 5.30pm).


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I was there earlier. Spoke to Liew. Nice guys imho. As for the tanks, mostly empty and was told that next week new batch of live stock will be coming in.

As for reb***, plenty of fishes and some accessory on the 2nd flr. Didn't play much attention to the fishes as I'll only start my cycling this weekend. Kind of susprise to see some many people already in the shop at that hr (ard 5.30pm).


Hey news....... PR might be bringing 2 batch of floridea ricordia in....

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Why nobody sells oysters? :D


You can get them from the supermart ............and then cook and eat them. :lol:

If you are thinking of cultivating them for pearls then the type you are eating is of the wrong species.

Do you live by the sea.........you will need a large amount of water to keep them alive cos they are filter feeders and require alot of food.

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