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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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  • SRC Member
dun waste time go there, tank always empty & i think the oni concentrate on clamp & coral....but dun no exp or not :evil:

y U comdem the shop :evil: they got lotsa of clams & corals...but no fish...can go there for a look lah....the clams and corals quite nice but abit x. if nuttin to buy, can juz walk down to reborn mah :yeah:

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dun waste time go there, tank always empty & i think the oni concentrate on clamp & coral....but dun no exp or not :evil:

Eh then what you are saying is most liekly wrong......PR is well known for their ultra maximas due to the previous shipment and also for their sps coral with the recent shipment............... They are by far one of the best lfs you can go..... eh Pls take back your words............ (PEACE)

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Eh then what you are saying is most liekly wrong......PR is well known for their ultra maximas due to the previous shipment and also for their sps coral with the recent shipment............... They are by far one of the best lfs you can go..... eh Pls take back your words............ (PEACE)

but seldom got fish...went th 3 tiimes but dun see much fisk, dun believed ask how many plp go th buy fish :)

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but seldom got fish...went th 3 tiimes but dun see much fisk, dun believed ask how many plp go th buy fish :)

yeah but now we are talking about clams and invertebrar=tes... anyway after this shipment of coral they will start bringing fishes

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The thing is that (so far) they cater to a different sort of clientele than other LFS.

It definitely is not a shop suitable for beginners.

Its target clientele seems to be advanced (rich) reefers who have chillers and MH lights, and have mature systems.

At least that has been the case until they start bringing fish.

But I guess if you want fishes, you can also visit reborn which is only 5 minute walk away.

So whether the perception is right depends on your standpoint.

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PR is good.

At first I oso quite put off by those empty tanks!

But after seeing those quality stuff they bring in.... :rolleyes:

Lets put it this way, different LFS cater for different needs :P

now I think reb*** is worst even they have lotsa livestock but very messy and boring.. as of last week.

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wh got condemn...u like 2 go th meh??? juz tell d tru mah :evil::evil:

Reefers patronizes PR for their specialty goods and live stocks. If you have no knowledge of what stuff and equipments they sell, or your pockets not deep enough to afford them, don't condemn the shop. Just go to your average LFS and get your average supplies. : <_<

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Reefers patronizes PR for their specialty goods and live stocks. If you have no knowledge of what stuff and equipments they sell, or your pockets not deep enough to afford them, don't condemn the shop. Just go to your average LFS and get your average supplies. : <_<

where got condemn them :evil: i did mentioned they are specialist in clam and corals, dun take sentences so serious :evil: we juz want plp to know what LFS are doing :evil::evil:

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hey hey relax guys............ Maybe people feel differently as they go for what they want thus whenever they travel so far to some lfs and cannot find the things they want, they get fed up............ Hey PR is a unique place and so is every other lfs

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