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Tunze Stream For Ciculation

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  • SRC Member

my new corner overflow 4' tank will be arriving and i intend to circulate water like this. pls take note that i will be creating 2 towers with an open space in the middle. i will be creating a mixed reef (50-60% SPS). it will be 2 1/2 feet deep and 2' high.

a. 5000l/hr return via SCWD at the centre-back pointing 45 degress to the left and right. any other better suggestions?

b. tunze stream 6010 (7000l/hr). how shd i hook this up and at which direction to avoid "shocking" my sps and stirring too much sand.

c. 3600l/hr return via the top over to hidden pipes around the rocks. this is more for getting rid of dead spots. however, is this redundant?

help greatly appreciated.

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  • SRC Member

it doesn't make much sense to throttle it back to acheive what the 6010 can do right?

i wonder if the 6010 alone can handle dead spots within my rocks if i use racks as planned. i may add another in future if necessary.

i will be having probably 8-10 fishes and wouldn't want to over-stress them! haha.

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  • SRC Member
it doesn't make much sense to throttle it back to acheive what the 6010 can do right?

i wonder if the 6010 alone can handle dead spots within my rocks if i use racks as planned. i may add another in future if necessary.

i will be having probably 8-10 fishes and wouldn't want to over-stress them! haha.

For a 4x2x2.5 tank, 7000 l/h is barely enough if you want to keep sps. In fact, some ppl here use 2 12000 l/h Streams (or even 4 units) for similar sized tanks.

Get the higher capacity model. You have the flexibility to turn it up if there are dead spots, or turn it down if you find that it is blowing everything over. Plus the greater variation in speed simulates wave action better.

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  • SRC Member

any comments on the way i'll be circulating my 4' tank?

thanx pospeh for the suggestion. i'll seriously consider 6100 over 6010.

my idea is to only use a eheim 1262 as return so that overflow is slightly throttled back (orginal plan is dual 5000l/hr pumps) to increase effectiveness of skimmer and refugium and then use in tank circulation.


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  • SRC Member

One very good reason to use 6100 is to link it up to the multicontroller for wave making. Pulsing flow and varaibility increases the vigour and health of the corals, especially SPS. It is is continuous flow from one side of the tank 24/7, you will find that your LPS perpetually leaning away from the flow and not swaying in the 'wind'. The controller also has a light sensor that will drop the flow rate after lights are off.

I use four 6100 and won't consider anything less now.


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  • SRC Member

tanzy, due to budget constraints, i would not like to splash out $$$ for 7094 + 6100 x 2.

do you suggest i shd just get 7094 + 6100 and in future add another 6100?

i've only a 4 ft tank and will also be keeping shrooms, zoos and clams.


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  • SRC Member

Expandability is always good for a reef tank. Having the option for extra pumps can't hurt. Add more when you feel the need too.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member
how abt a 3 by 2.5 by 2.5....which model should use for sps?

Maybe 4 Tunze Stream 6000 with controller.


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One night, my tunze was facing my hydnopora directly. The next day, i wake up, my whole hydnopora was tear off ( leaving only the white color branch behind and the green color floating around it) If your tank is small 3ft or so, i recommand that you try to deflect it off the rock or wall instead of having it facing your sps directly.

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My streams are directed across the tank. The closest coral to the streams is my porites on the right side which is about 5" away and the loripes on the left that is 6" away.

It depends on the species of coral when it comes to flow. Species that are related A. humilis tend to be more resilient and might even prefer strong flow. The grow form also is a good indicator. Short and squat colonies or boulder type generally are from areas of high water energy. Do take note though that the flow they receive is never constant, 24/7 type but more surge like.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Maybe 4 Tunze Stream 6000 with controller.

wat that's too ex$$ for me

BTW will i have enough space for that

only sps need that strong current rite?

it wun do for softies ,,, will it?

is one tunze 6000 on each side enough?

BTW does the controller come with the pump?

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  • SRC Member

controller allows you to set pulsing action from 30% - 100% for each setting.

that simply means you can 'tell' the stream to go 100% for 3 secs and back to 50% for the next 3 secs and then back to 100% for 3 secs.......

there's also a red feeding button. if you press it, the stream will stop running so that your fishes will not need to sprint all over the place to catch their food. it will automatically come back on in about 7-8 mins. so you can say goodbye to fogetting to switch on return pump, etc...

of course there's also the photoelectric sensor that will activate the setting number 2 (example 50%) when it's lights off, to simulate night.

isn't that good enough reason? ;)

you can go without the controller first and then add on at a later stage. i'll be selling the 7091 controller onces i get my hands on another stream and 7094!!! haha. :lol:

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controller allows you to set pulsing action from 30% - 100% for each setting.

that simply means you can 'tell' the stream to go 100% for 3 secs and back to 50% for the next 3 secs and then back to 100% for 3 secs.......

there's also a red feeding button. if you press it, the stream will stop running so that your fishes will not need to sprint all over the place to catch their food. it will automatically come back on in about 7-8 mins. so you can say goodbye to fogetting to switch on return pump, etc...

of course there's also the photoelectric sensor that will activate the setting number 2 (example 50%) when it's lights off, to simulate night.

isn't that good enough reason? ;)

you can go without the controller first and then add on at a later stage. i'll be selling the 7091 controller onces i get my hands on another stream and 7094!!! haha. :lol:


a pic is required !!!!


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7094 for 4 Streams.



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