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Nitrite Level Just Won't Go Down..

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Hi Guys,

My tank is 3 feet, with LR, filters and a skimmer. I have been cycling my tank for 3 weeks already but when I measure the nitrite level, it is 5mg/l . How do I reduce it faster? Or should I just wait..



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  • SRC Member

Check ur filter system... wats urs?

if it's an overflow, make sure that the pump-back rate shld be ard 8x ur tank capacity to be considered efficient....

btw, u using any DSB or plenum or some wet/dry methods? if none of the above, u hav to compensate with more LRs ( berlin )....

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thanks for the replies.. some more info.

1. The LR are not cured, so I let the bristle worms die and decompose in the water..

2. LR about 15 Kg

3. I got bio balls, thats all

4. I use interpet test kit.. dunno if it is reliable. The shop I went to only sells that.

5. sand bed only about 2 inch thick.. no DSB

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  • SRC Member


1)Because you did not use cured rocks, uncured rocks will tend to take longer. You will know when its ok, when you stop seeing whitish spider web like stuff on your rocks. Or you can just take it out and smell it. Cured rocks will just smell of sea water. Dead rocks.....well lets just say you will be able to tell.

2)15kg of live rocks is not enough. I would advise you to add up to 25kg at least.

3)You don't need bioballs if you have enough live rocks. Pls read up about nitrogen cycle. Bioballs/ceremic rings are not recommended as these become nitrate factories (trap ditritus).

4)I think its ok to use other brands for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate testing. But try to stick to salifert for calcium, phosphate, ph, alk and other tests.

PS. The moment you add in new uncured rocks, the cycle will start again and you will have to wait another week at least again.

cheers and hope this helps.

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to help cycling, u may like to add a prawn (market kind from NTUC)

could be in the first place, your LR does not have enough bacteria to multiple.

For mine, after 2days the prawn only left the skin.

those bacteria damn greedy. u should also get

a bottle of beneficial bacteria available off shelf.

it will enable u to cycle faster. cost abt $20+.

Check petmart at serangoon.

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