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Six Line wrasse and purple fire fish

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Hard to say. But the six liners are usually trouble makers. Thus, I suggest you stand by and observe. :D

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Purple darts are excellent jumpers. I guess the concern is during the initial introduction, while the dart is still jumpy about its new environment, it may be easily frightened by the sixline wrasse. Under such circumstances it may jump.

Hope your tank got lotsa LR for hiding and canopy for preventing suicidal attempts.

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:thanks::thanks: for all the answers. Guess I have to take precautions. My trap is in the tank right now. The little rascal six line went into hiding upon seeing the trap.

I am not going to trap him yet but just want to get him to go into the trap during feeding time. If he harasses my fire goby, I am going to activate the trap and put him in the sump :evil:

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