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Corals Or Fishes


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  • SRC Member

for me.. i put corals in first mostly all of them.. when finish satisfied with the scaping then i will put fishes slowly 2 weeks 1 fish.. during stacking up corals can put fish if u want only put 1 or 2 of them.. can't put all or the null cycle that can be cause can kill the fish and also the corals.. must build up your tank water ecology slowly..



then fish slowly..

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  • SRC Member

Try to put coral in first ....cause every coral u add in ur tank will cause a pike in • Ammonia • Nitrite: as this is call a mini cycle but it will nt do much harm to ur tank but if u are adding lot of coral in the tank at one go. The ammonia and nitrite will pike higer and if there are fishes in the tank it will be very stress from them .......after putting ur coral in wait for a few day and check the ammonia and nitrite with test kits until it undetectable...and change 20 to 40% of the water in ur tank ...than u can add in ur fish slowing ...............

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  • SRC Member

... Ammonia is caused by die offs. once ur tank has cycled. Ammonia = 0 and it will stay 0 . unless u put in anything else that dies.

Dont put Fish into an empty tank.Put corals and rocks first as arranging them and scaping will cause stress to the fishes... if you so have fishes in there during rock adding period. adding corals and a few rocks to an already established tank is alright as the fishes would already have a place to hide.

whats a null cycle..where u read all this from??

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I'm aslo a newbie ..... so, is it recommended to setup the tank with Live Rock first, after cycling, add corals, then add fish???


For you information, cycling finish only after you water parameter is ammonia-0. nitrite-0 and nitrate is ard <15(IMO)

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