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MH photoperiod for SPS corals

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  • SRC Member
First thing first... do you understand that SPS is carbon limiting, if you do, you'll understand how this UV thing feeds corals... if you don't then you'll hv to do some reading on. I don't think I can explain adequately to your satisfaction. Maybe someone else here can better expain.... if no one does, then I'll do it.

Bro can try not to post like this. If you have info where everyone can share and learn, please just post it. I would like to know too. Come on.... :P

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  • SRC Member

DE without UV shielding? That's interesting coz a little UV does help in the colouration of the SPS. Just gotta be careful if you remove the UV shield coz there is no intermediate shielding range in between. It's either with UV shield or without. Maybe a glass with various UV shielding effect might help coz over exposure to UV has irretrievable consequences to your SPS. :pinch::pinch:

Can't agree any better with you - understood the consequences. For the person viewing the tank should be very safe becasue with normal glass - the UV already cut down by 97% immediately. Provided there is no leakage from the hood. But bear in mind the normal average sunlight is about 800 Watt .. you can imagine how many times is the UV level, not to mention a hot sunny day :)

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  • SRC Member

I think you misunderstood, scarab's statement about UV, ... the UV he was refering to (i hope) is the UV-C, sterilization thinggy, where you hookup in-line to zap bacteria, water-algae, water-borne diseases... its purpose is to kill those pathogens, and 'clean' the water column... if you remove the glass UV shield of the MH, you are gonna burn the SPS.. literally speaking, sun-burn them, they will trun brown, in a matter of hours, the skin will peel away, and they RTN... pls don't try that... cause I did and thats what happened.

I see what you mean ... then it is another school of thoughts altogether :)

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What species of Acro is the one with red tips? How high up the tank issit? Directly under the 250w?

Have no idea which species of Acro both were, yet to ID them.

Both are placed 12 inches and directly below MH light source. Tank height 24 inches.

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  • SRC Member

Brooooo, no offence pls... it not easy to go thru' the postings there to pull out the correct info.. I don't have it at the back of my hand, tho' i know it works... and I'm not that confident to explain the terms here... I don't wish to pass any incorrect data as these are very exacting science... ie. no two ways about it, not when it pertains to biology/chemistry... I'm am prepared to do a search thru' RC, if not one attempts to explain them here.. but if someone here can.. that would be great.

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  • SRC Member

I see what you mean ... then it is another school of thoughts altogether :)

I concur with madmac on this.....i've tried this before long time ago.....believe me....even the fishes gets sunburnt.......BAD move.....i regreted it.... :cry:

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  • SRC Member
Brooooo, no offence pls... it not easy to go thru' the postings there to pull out the correct info.. I don't have it at the back of my hand, tho' i know it works... and I'm not that confident to explain the terms here... I don't wish to pass any incorrect data as these are very exacting science... ie. no two ways about it, not when it pertains to biology/chemistry... I'm am prepared to do a search thru' RC, if not one attempts to explain them here.. but if someone here can.. that would be great.

Please do. :bow: I lazy to 'tak chik' one lah. Need to spoonfeed.... :lol:

But maybe can start a new thread coz we are like :off::)

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  • SRC Member

can we compromise... :lol: I provide you with a link to the topic... no point in producing work twice,(I'm as lazy as you) and you pass me a frag for the link... hehehe... jus kidding... found it.. pls read only two pages long.

UV on SPS tanks

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  • SRC Member

I have this sps with intense red tips when first bought. Those tips are now light pink (1 month later) under 250w XM MH. I have another brownish sps which went also pinkish under the same placement levels as the first sps mentioned. MH photoperiod is 8hrs.

Is that an indication that these 2 sps are over exposed to much light?

it seems to me one is, the red tips should be lower or placed away from direct, if you prefer intense colour... why don't you try it out, it could be a sign that it doesn't need direct lighting.. again like what Alpha said... 'whatever floats your boat.", when it comes to colours.

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