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Who's keeping crabeye goby successfully?

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  • SRC Member

Been trying to keep this species. So far 4 of them went to heaven. They are able to survive for a wk plus before I find them dead the next morning.

Look on intenet saying that this species hard to keep. Is this type of goby harder to keep as compare to the other type of goby?

How many types of goby are sand shifters? Is the algae blenny doing the same duties like crabeye?

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I read that they do not transport well. Do you have any aggressive fishes in your tank? So far the most successful specimen I saw is at Aquaria Art. The little fella has been there for a few months liao., However, the tank only has 1 fish.

I recently acquired 2, but can only see 1 now. Has been 2 weeks liao, the remaing fella so far so good (*touch wood*). I am keeping him with 1 pair of true percs clown only in a 2 feet tank.

I don't think algae blenny sift sand. I like the crab eye because they sift sand and they are small. The other good psuedo sand sifter is the rainford, but also another diffcult fish to keep. :P

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Crab eye not easy to keep bro. Can i ask how old is your tank? It requires a stable and mature tank. Did you quarantine it and see if its feeding? These kind of fishes are beautiful to look at but difficult to keep unless you are an experience reefer.


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  flying carpet said:
Crab eye not easy to keep bro. Can i ask how old is your tank? It requires a stable and mature tank. Did you quarantine it and see if its feeding? These kind of fishes are beautiful to look at but difficult to keep unless you are an experience reefer.


See if it's feeding? All I see is it's always eating n spitting the sand. I think this is eating.... only thing is if there is anything for it to eat. My tank is abt 1 mth plus old. only fish is 2 clowns, 2 cleaner shrimps & 2 fire shrimps n some algae eating crab tat came along with the LR. All my LR bought from CORAL FARM.

As my tank got no aggressive fishes n they are there since the cycling period, I think they don't have diseases.

Been trying to intentionally use tube to direct food onto seabed. My seabed also covered with some brown algae. "someone posted a thread on this algae thing".

One LR got the parasite anemones growing on it. mulitply quite a bit since I bought it. Was suspecting it got stung by it as it was last seen digging a hole at the base of the LR where there are a few small anemones. The next day...... gone..... saw fire shrimp eating it.

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  ozy said:
I read that they do not transport well. Do you have any aggressive fishes in your tank? So far the most successful specimen I saw is at Aquaria Art. The little fella has been there for a few months liao., However, the tank only has 1 fish.

I recently acquired 2, but can only see 1 now. Has been 2 weeks liao, the remaing fella so far so good (*touch wood*). I am keeping him with 1 pair of true percs clown only in a 2 feet tank.

I don't think algae blenny sift sand. I like the crab eye because they sift sand and they are small. The other good psuedo sand sifter is the rainford, but also another diffcult fish to keep. :P

So far all 4 of them on average able to survive for a wk, except one got suck thru the filter sys n landed on top of the filter wool. Didn't survive the ordeal.

So far no transport problem.

The only thing i observe is once lights out, they will hide. Once lights on, they will come out sifting sand. If you don't see it for a day..... most pro it's gone.

Hopefully yrs is hiding some where laying eggs.....

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Me hoping too, but highly unlikely :D

But you have to observe carefully though, they will pick on one another once they get familiarized with the surroundings. Chances are you will either end up with a single specimen, or a pair. Another thing I noticed about sand sifters is that they do require a very large sand bed to sustain one specimen. If the tank is too small, some may starve. I think my tank is too small to sustain 2. Should have just gotten 1 in the first place.

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I used to have 1 in my old 4 footer.

it was in my tank for 6 mths. Till i decommissioned it and put it in my nano. didn't make it after a month.

seems that this fish prefers bigger sand size to sift. My 4 ft was using #03 sand. Nano was #0 sand. Size i supposed also play a part. didn't see it sift as often in the nano then in the 4 ft.


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Your tank run for only one mth :huh: and you keep such a challenging fish. I think you should wait for a while. Doesn't mean your tank is cycled, you can whack and put anything you like inside. You should let your tank mature first maybe for about 6 mths, before you start adding anymore crab eye. Always quarantine your new additions, make sure that it is eating and diesease free during the quarantine period cause this is to ensure the survival of the fish and other fishes. Then you can introduce it to your main tank.

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  calvinci said:
check if it's eating. A lot of goby only take pods, and most people fail because of their tank is not mature, and not enought pod population to support.

not that many gobies take pods...as long as they are big enough to take other food, they will.Crabeye do take other feeds...especially henry's food.

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  calvinci said:
I am not too sure about crabeye, but rainford goby and mandarin goby most of the them won't take prepare food.

wat abr dragonet? also don't take prepared food?

plan to raise brineshrimps...seems tat my firs pipefish like very much...

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  calvinci said:
I am not too sure about crabeye, but rainford goby and mandarin goby most of the them won't take prepare food.

Mandarin do take prepared food. Its just that they are usually too slow to grab them.

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