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Yellow Tang

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  • SRC Member

tangs are known to be aggresive they could attack others and is the last fish suitable to introduce last if other tank mates eg clowns damsels all inside..

they feed one pellets flakes if u lucky to find one..

they omnivores.. meaning they can take seaweeds too and veggies..

feed em' with nori.. too

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  • SRC Member

Yellow tangs are one of the easiest to keep & feed. My eats jst abt everything I threw into the tank. Will readily take frozen brineshrimp or mysis . Need a gd amt of green stuff toi keep it healthy... spirulina, nori, frozen veggies etc.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
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Don't feed pellets then...I never liked pellets anyway...try those dried seaweed they use to cook soup. When dried they look black...When hydrated they are purplish..my yellow tang loves them! :D

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Hah...have you ever heard of yellow tangs eating tubeworms???

Yup...mine did?

Sometimes, wonder if he knows what he is...Eating everything that I throw in and also feeding on other fishes' waste products...Yucks!@! :pirate:

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Hah...have you ever heard of yellow tangs eating tubeworms???

Yup...mine did?

Sometimes, wonder if he knows what he is...Eating everything that I throw in and also feeding on other fishes' waste products...Yucks!@! :pirate:

Get a psychiatrist for it. :evil:

Or play it movies of other yellow tangs eating algae. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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Lucky my yellow tang not like yours...if not my flame scallops, anemone shrimp, tubeworms and pipefish's tail all gone liao. It did taste my pipefish's tail once...but I think it did'nt really like the taste. :P

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

My yt doesnt eat tubeworms but does eat other fishes shit as well... disgusting

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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if add in last izzit also a possible chance that YT will attack damsel or clown ?

IMo i think i will done fine if its added last........ As your clown and damsel has already established territories in the tank thus i believe that the YT being the last fish would dare to attack your fish inside............ Hey anyway tangs are suppose to be rather ok with fish not of the same species, colour and shape so i believe that your clown and damsel will not be attack...

But in any case what i mention does not applies to every fish although most of them, as some are known to be boss of the tank even if it is added last and goes ard attacking almost every fish

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  • SRC Member

I have 1 YT with 2 X yellow-tail damsel, 2 X domino damsel, 2 X Anthias and 2 x Maroon clown. So, far no problem. Occasionally, the YT will chase some of the fishes around but no fighting. The YT eat everything that I put in the tank (pellets and Mysis). I tried feeding with Nori once but the YT freak-out! and went into hiding! (because it is black colour) Also, the YT is the largest fish in the tank.

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I have 1 YT with 2 X yellow-tail damsel, 2 X domino damsel, 2 X Anthias and 2 x Maroon clown. So, far no problem. Occasionally, the YT will chase some of the fishes around but no fighting. The YT eat everything that I put in the tank (pellets and Mysis). I tried feeding with Nori once but the YT freak-out! and went into hiding! (because it is black colour) Also, the YT is the largest fish in the tank.

I can't imagine how big your nori was. Did'nt you tear it up into smaller pieceS? :blink:

Always something more important than fish.


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