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DIY Overflow or Market ones

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  • SRC Member

Ya, but let me share with u my experience... if getting off the shelve is ex and need your dimension for it if off the shelve can't fit... that will cost more. But shoudl not be very time taxing for u.

DIY - Lots of time involved in looking for your parts and dimension. Not really that costly la. But u'll have lots of fun when u start to DIY ur pipe, will not be too time cinsumong to fit the pipes together but testing for leakage is very impt .... Lately I just DIY my pipe and cabinet.... one of the bigest project I had for my marine tank yet.....

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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  • SRC Member

I went to one shop around serangoon to look for it.. found the shop but no chance to see it cos the price for it cheapest $80 plus... and can reach $100 plus depending on your dimension and design... thus I did my own with many help from other reefers on proven designs..... Cheers... you can take a look at the DIY forum for some concepts...

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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you can go to either one plastic shop or shop doing the evertisement. They should be selling the acrylic, get the 3mm thickness is enough.

I think this overflow is much better than the pipe one. You can see is there any bubble trap in the sifon and with the ver 2, you can suck the bubble out or to start the sifon... :):D:P

To bend it, heat it and bend it... i use the candle and the burn place is somehow black color... for me is ok as long as it works....

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