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marc weiss additives


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  • SRC Member

hi guys

it just so happens that i was lucky enough to meet 2 senior reefers while at lfs today :D and both of them mentioned to me about a brand called marc weiss

1 told me about the trace element

the other told me about this thing called BLACK VIT

of particular interest to me is black vit, which according to him and another friend of mine, makes corals open so big you'd never believe how big they can get until you see it.

i'm very interested in trying out black vit but trouble is i haven't even seen this brand before

the purpose of this thread is to find out how many people here actually use marc weiss products, where can i find this brand,inparticular black vit, and why isn't it commonly found

it would be great if i could hear some inputs from black vit users too

hope to hear some info from fellow reefers here

cheers! :)

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marc weiss product is quite a controversy in the industry coz they dun review their ingredients. Some like it but others dun.

U mean to say Black powder right? This was claimed to be a 'booster' for reef tanks - I have never tried it coz it is so expensive. But my fren has one and did not have much improvements.

I am trialing their FORM which is the a mineral based source of trace elements and additives.... (claimed a partially fossilized deposit of aragonite). It suppose to be contain almost (calcium, magnesium, strontium, trace elements and iodine) except carbon hardness. Well, if it works, it will save some cost since 5 bottles of additives are already over $40/- compare to one bottle of FORM.

Currently, in 2 wks of trials and see if this can be maintain over time as I slowly remove additives.

I was looking for Reef vital as well if that helps with difficult corals like flower pot. If u have frens from US, it was extremely cheap to get it there. I got my fren to bring a bottle of FORM for less than $20/- compare to Singapore which is over $45.

Reborn and Aquamart both carry them at a decent price here too.

Hope this helps... ;)

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  • SRC Member

thanks bro

thanks indeed

and yeah, i meant black powder...not black vit...so sorry :paiseh:

your friend didn't have improvements ah?...is he looking to pass it on to someone?...i'd like to try it!

do you know the price of black powder here in singapore?

bro, i don't really understand the part about "reef vital helping difficult corals"...are you saying it'll help or ?

thanks bernard for your input...your review is most encouraging! :D

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  • SRC Member

So far so good for my tank

using MW pdts

My observation of 3 yrs


1)spectra vital- You will observe sponge growth rapidly

2)Black powder- You will notice small tubes worms profiliating even had coco worms growing on my powerheads

3)Amino vital-Notice that it can improve sps colours

4)FORM-very good trace elements in it all in one

5)marine fish vital-keeps fish calm Angels react better to it.

6)Coral vital-Notice that corals grow better , coraline alage increase

7)Reef vital dna-Same as coral vital but with something special.

8)Coral vital lsb-Check out sand if you use it.

9)Bacter-vital-Recycle my tank within 1 day when it suffer a crash due to my projects.(Ammonia drop to 0 )

The above are just my observation

AND not a review.


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hi shoelevy

I am talking about item 7 from seareefer..... This bottle has some 'mix' that MW claimed it helps to cultivate those expert level' corals like goniopora. If u read the threads.. alot of folks here having problem keeping gonio. MW website claimed the products help to maintain the growth. But I never see it in action yet.... U can get that in Sealife as well.

I am currently using coral vital - looks pretty decent. I did notice my coralline algae developed a more saturated purple / red now.... still monitoring if it is just due to supplement and not calcium alone.

Ha... u wait long long... the black powder is over $40/-.... I dun think he is gonna give u for free... :lol:

Heard that some shops carried the sampling $20/- version of MW's black powder and spectra vital... it comes in a smaller pack for trials.

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  • SRC Member

Hi there all

Just some warning if you are using marc liquids products

1)DO not overdose :nuke: (It will whack your system)

1 cap per week is enough.

2)It will cause some cyano but will eventually died out after a week or so.

3)It will cause your skimmer to stop foaming at least an hour or so.

Some ppts i observe

1) Anemones do like black powder trust me.

2) Tube worms will love spectra vital.

3)Anything more will not comment as i do not wan ppl to say that i am promoting Marc products.


Again this is not a review

just some observation i would like to share to others.

do not mistake that i am selling his products



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  • SRC Member
I am currently using coral vital - looks pretty decent. I did notice my coralline algae developed a more saturated purple / red now.... still monitoring if it is just due to supplement and not calcium alone.

Ha... u wait long long... the black powder is over $40/-.... I dun think he is gonna give u for free... :lol:

so from using coral vital...have you noticed any slight improvements in the health of your jewel?

mine is also suffering alittle...if marc weiss can help, i'll be glad to use it to help my jewel

handsome...your friend no need to give me, i was wondering if he's interested in SELLING it....at cheaper price la....if can dirt cheap i don't mind :lol:

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  • SRC Member
no idea wat that is

is it good or bad do you know yourself?

So far so good, it did not disturb anything. after some time using MW pdts you will see some alien coral growing from the LRs. even one of my LR grow some polyp on it. I got the $12 sample pack of coral vital at Sentosa marine before going for the $45 bottle at Petmart. try the $12 one first lah. if you happy with it then go for the $45 one lor.

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  • SRC Member
is that a "mouth" in that pic?? eeww.. haha. sure seems like an alien to me. haha. what does it do? haha.

:paiseh: sorry for digressing from topic. hehe.

Actually there is 2 mouth and this alien act like a clam..... :blink:

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