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What trace element would you use/recommend


Which brand of trace elements do you use / recommend?  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. Which brand of trace elements do you use / recommend?

    • AquaZ
    • Aquapharm
    • Salifert Trace
    • Sea Lab
    • Kent Marine
    • SeaChem
    • CoraLife
    • ELIOS
    • None - Using CA Reactor / Water Change

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  • SRC Member

most of us would agree that trace elements are an important part in bringing out the health and colour of corals

but with so many brands around, its hard to choose so this poll is to find out what brands have you used with much success

pls vote :thanks:

if choice isn't in poll, please reply with name of brand in this thread

cheers :)

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  • SRC Member

i was not aware sea chem has trace elements

thanks for the input

so how's the results with sea chem?...colour booster?

i heard the aquaz trace element is similar to zeobak....brings colours to an amazing intense level...but i've yet to try it

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  hotlemond said:
i use Seachem too. Reefplus.

I guess most of the better brands are acceptable but one thing in common is discipline in its application; when the label says twice a week, they really mean it!

serious. . i am thinking of dosing kalkwassar on mon, wed and sun. reef builder on tues and thurs. calcium on fri. sunday dose strontium, iodine, trace elements etc. is this called overdose? :(

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  • SRC Member

reef builder i dose weekly leh...you dose so much?

what trace elements you use?

can anyone input experience of remarkable improvement in coral health and colours after using trace elements?

because i can't seem to see any improvements on my side...and that's the reason for this poll ;)

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i using coral life trace elements nw, honestly i cant see the difference. but i prob switch to aquaz or aquapharm if i still decide to use it.

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  • SRC Member
  acidjazz said:

serious. . i am thinking of dosing kalkwassar on mon, wed and sun. reef builder on tues and thurs. calcium on fri. sunday dose strontium, iodine, trace elements etc. is this called overdose? :(

sounds a little too much here. but when you dose trace element won't it have contain strontium and iodine already?

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being the typical singaporean. . i dose all the addictives. think i sld cut down. ok. . how about kalkwassar on wed and sunday. reef builder on tues and saturday. calcium on fri. mon dose trace elements, strontium, iodine etc?

can anyone come up with the ideal dosage? i understand every tank is different and therefore require different needs. i mean for a typical lps,soft corals, a few clams tank, wad's the ideal dosage?

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  hotlemond said:
yo bro,

maybe this can help with your kalk dosing concern:


:bow: sory bro shoelevy for straying away from the discussed topic.

very helpful site. thanks bro.

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  hotlemond said:
but when you dose trace element won't it have contain strontium and iodine already?

hi bro

i've looked at my kent marine trace and it doesn't say containing iodine...perhaps i missed it

but i myself dose TM procoral iodine and i SWEAR by the results it has on my mushrooms!...colour is getting more and more intense!

i swear man :angel:

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  • SRC Member

actually how sure are u guys about whether u overdose or underdose?? anyway to measure...

the truth is no...trace elements as they are, are not measureable by our normal testkits. u'll probably need to send them for lab test to ascertain the types and amount of trace...

acidjazz, i have a strong feeling tat u might have overdosed...have u check your kh and cal recently?? i've been following your tank thread and noticed that u are just like me, a LPS lover...dun think u need to add anything more than kalk...

some reefers swear by trace elements, others have other methods. i started off just like everyone else, buying watever product that says tat they are the best...and thinkin thru, WHICH PRODUCT WILL SAY THAT THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY?? in the end, i overdosed on trace and crashed my 1st set-up...back then, i dose all sorts of nonsense, from trace to mag, to stontium, kh, cal, kalk and almost all other kinds of available additives...and of cos, i dose them according to wat they recommend...but never knowing whether the recommended dosage is good enough or too much or too little...

in my most honest opinion, for trace elements, the best way to keep them in equilibrium is to change water, our tap water contains all the necessary trace and marine salts also have them..so by changing water, u will never need to fear tat u might have added too much of this and too little of that...because all will be adjusted closer to the natural level...watever needs to be replenish will be, and watever is too much will also be reduced...

for me, whenever i face problems, i change water..fish die, change water...coral die, change water...and the most important rule of thumb for me, don't fix anything unless they are broken...

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  • SRC Member

robin, i absolutely agree with a changing water regime...trouble for me is tank is so big!

its not so much the cost of water or salt incurred but rather the manual labour and time needed to change water...1+ hr just for 10% :eyeblur:

scarab bro, your tank undoubtedly one of the best around...your discipline for water changes is awesome ... :bow:

do you have any advice for reefers with big tanks with regards to the manual work and time involved in water changing?

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  scarab said:
I second and fully support what typrobin has posted.

I'm one of the 2 so far that voted the last option (water change) in the poll.

hahaha...luckily got scarab's support...was so afraid that i will get shoot for wat i posted...

shoe: i think the easiest method is to have a long hose to drain the water straight into your toilet..and have a big tub with a pump for refilling, instead of using the manual hand pump...

my next set-up, i will add an extra ball valve on my sump so that i can just plug in the rubber hose and empty the water straight from my sump to the toilet...

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  • SRC Member

wa robin and diabolus....water change siong ah for big tank

bro diabolus, is your tank big?...do you employ the method as suggested by robin?...if not can share how you do water change weekly?

robin, too bad i didn't plan for this part when getting a sump so i didn't include the valve you were talking about into the design...i will give this good thought for my next sump upgrade :)

btw, when can we expect to see your next set up!

in the mean time, let the thread continue with inputs about trace elements :)

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  typrobin said:
actually how sure are u guys about whether u overdose or underdose?? anyway to measure...

the truth is no...trace elements as they are, are not measureable by our normal testkits. u'll probably need to send them for lab test to ascertain the types and amount of trace...

acidjazz, i have a strong feeling tat u might have overdosed...have u check your kh and cal recently?? i've been following your tank thread and noticed that u are just like me, a LPS lover...dun think u need to add anything more than kalk...

some reefers swear by trace elements, others have other methods. i started off just like everyone else, buying watever product that says tat they are the best...and thinkin thru, WHICH PRODUCT WILL SAY THAT THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY?? in the end, i overdosed on trace and crashed my 1st set-up...back then, i dose all sorts of nonsense, from trace to mag, to stontium, kh, cal, kalk and almost all other kinds of available additives...and of cos, i dose them according to wat they recommend...but never knowing whether the recommended dosage is good enough or too much or too little...

in my most honest opinion, for trace elements, the best way to keep them in equilibrium is to change water, our tap water contains all the necessary trace and marine salts also have them..so by changing water, u will never need to fear tat u might have added too much of this and too little of that...because all will be adjusted closer to the natural level...watever needs to be replenish will be, and watever is too much will also be reduced...

for me, whenever i face problems, i change water..fish die, change water...coral die, change water...and the most important rule of thumb for me, don't fix anything unless they are broken...

bro, i also very confused about the addictives. Think at the moment i shall only stick to calcium, kalkwassar and reef builder. i guess the rest are good but not necessary.

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  • SRC Member

I personally feels that water changing is the best way to replanish trace elements and minerals for our tank. UNLESS i do not have time for water change, then only i will add trace elements to my water over the weekends.

Most important is to follow the dosing instructions given by the manufacturer. Like most reefer would say, its not so bad to underdose but lethal to overdose. Never dose more then whats recommended.

My personal views is that there is no best addictives in the world and that everything is decided by individual preference. Like some ppl would prefer using Nokia hps because its user friendly, some would prefer Sony Ericsson because of its cool exterior design. Different people have different tastes and preference. Same goes.. there is no best hps in the world. Hehe

Just my 2cents. Please don't shoot me if i am wrong. Just sincerely sharing my personal point of view. :):bow:

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no worries weishun, great input there :)

i personally dose additive because of like what you said, no time to change water, and i think many out there with big tanks face the same problem? (just a guess here)

trouble with my changing routine is i change 10% every month...meaning 4pails at the end of the month...that takes up about an hour or so of my time and not to mention a gd scolding from mum from all the water on the floor :lol:

but since so many advice on water changing, i was thinking how about changing a pail every week? since at the end of 4 weeks, the same amt (4pails will be changed)

what would be your advice on this guys?

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