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How Many Fish, Shrimps, Snails Can I Keep In A 2 F

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It's a very subjective question. No definite answers...only you can find out.

We won't know cause we are not you...we have no idea what are the sizes of the organisms you are getting. You have to rely on yourself to take note. One good way will be to measure nitrite levels after every new addition. If it rises..wait till it falls to 0 before adding anymore things.

It's like asking how many meals a person can eat in a day...a normal person would eat 3 regular meals. I would eat 5 large meals. I'm a pig. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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if the fishes are small and wun grow big type...like 1 goby, 2 blennies and somethin like 2-3 clowns... is it ok? total around 10 ok?

I not aiming for tangs, angel fish or anthias...etc....

skimmer using is weipro 2011 plus matching weipro 3000 submersible pump

IMo 10 is alot... If you want more fish setup bigger tank

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