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Amazing results from Deioniser


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  • SRC Member

Yes, would like to know the prices/brand/location where u purchase. reference for future upgrade/when i can afford it. verify that this unit (DI) does not produce any waste water. dont see any outlet for it. guess that's for the RO unit part of a RO/DI only.


manta :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

TDS = Total Dissolved Solids

althought is stands for total dissolved solids, what is measured is actually the amount of ions. so if the water contains lots of dissolved solids like sugar, tds can still be low


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  • SRC Member

althought is stands for total dissolved solids, what is measured is actually the amount of ions. so if the water contains lots of dissolved solids like sugar, tds can still be low


hi bro ...

does that means the water out of the unit is like distill water ???

cheeers :P

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  • SRC Member
Jus bought a 2 stage Deioniser and a TDS meter. Just tested my house water and it shows 82ppm :cry: walau jurong area sucks.....

hi bro ... mind pm me the price u bought the TDS meter ???


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