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Week - 18th to 24th Apr 2005

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Heard that this week Pasir Ris Farm got the Large shipment of Hawil, Fame Angels, Black tangs, potter, YT...... just wait & see.....???

wow keep me updated.. i want the jordani flame wrasse.. Hopefully it comes :lol::lol:

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Updated as at Sunday (17th Apr) morning :-



*Orange Yumas -- some


* Yumas -- wow, veri good price & colours!! New shpt of 500 pieces of bi &

tri-coloured yumas selling @ $8.00 to $15.00 per piece /frag.

* Fox Corals

* Carpet Anemones --- pink & purple

* Coco Worms --- red

* Cynarinas, Pratas, Elegance ...

* Jordani Flame Wrasse :o sigh, 2pcs alreadi sold last week when arrived.

* LINETATUS Fairy Wrasse (Australia) :huh: wow, veri veri beautiful.

* Garibaldi Damsel, juv size :P wow, another veri beautiful fish of orangishred.

* Rose Belly Fairy Wrasse

* Temminicki Fairy Wrasse

* Carpenter Fairy Wrasse

* Lunare Wrasse,

* Macneill's Basslet

* Blackcap Basslet

* Caribbean Royal Gramma & Peppermint Shrimp

* Bartlett Anthias

* Flame, Queen, French angels.

* Achilles, Chevron, many Blue & Yellow, Powder Brown & another "Yellow-belly

Blue Tang" (refer to attached photo showing the "yellow-belly blue tang" & the "normal blue tang") ---- anyone can advise the actually name of this yellow-belly fish :P:thanks:

* Many more other wrasses & others, dun know the names & can't remember alreadi. :lol:


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any sps shimpent this weekend?

Was told @ Iwarna this week, don't know when

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Updated as at Sunday (17th Apr) morning :-



*Orange Yumas -- some


* Yumas -- wow, veri good price & colours!! New shpt of 500 pieces of bi &

tri-coloured yumas selling @ $8.00 to $15.00 per piece /frag.

* Fox Corals

* Carpet Anemones --- pink & purple

* Coco Worms --- red

* Cynarinas, Pratas, Elegance ...

* Jordani Flame Wrasse :o sigh, 2pcs alreadi sold last week when arrived.

* LINETATUS Fairy Wrasse (Australia) :huh: wow, veri veri beautiful.

* Garibaldi Damsel, juv size :P wow, another veri beautiful fish of orangishred.

* Rose Belly Fairy Wrasse

* Temminicki Fairy Wrasse

* Carpenter Fairy Wrasse

* Lunare Wrasse,

* Macneill's Basslet

* Blackcap Basslet

* Caribbean Royal Gramma & Peppermint Shrimp

* Bartlett Anthias

* Flame, Queen, French angels.

* Achilles, Chevron, many Blue & Yellow, Powder Brown & another "Yellow-belly

Blue Tang" (refer to attached photo showing the "yellow-belly blue tang" & the "normal blue tang") ---- anyone can advise the actually name of this yellow-belly fish :P:thanks:

* Many more other wrasses & others, dun know the names & can't remember alreadi. :lol:

Anyone know how much is the lineatus and the peacock fairy temmicki

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Updated as at Sunday (17th Apr) morning :-



*Orange Yumas -- some


* Yumas -- wow, veri good price & colours!! New shpt of 500 pieces of bi &

tri-coloured yumas selling @ $8.00 to $15.00 per piece /frag.

* Fox Corals

* Carpet Anemones --- pink & purple

* Coco Worms --- red

* Cynarinas, Pratas, Elegance ...

* Jordani Flame Wrasse :o sigh, 2pcs alreadi sold last week when arrived.

* LINETATUS Fairy Wrasse (Australia) :huh: wow, veri veri beautiful.

* Garibaldi Damsel, juv size :P wow, another veri beautiful fish of orangishred.

* Rose Belly Fairy Wrasse

* Temminicki Fairy Wrasse

* Carpenter Fairy Wrasse

* Lunare Wrasse,

* Macneill's Basslet

* Blackcap Basslet

* Caribbean Royal Gramma & Peppermint Shrimp

* Bartlett Anthias

* Flame, Queen, French angels.

* Achilles, Chevron, many Blue & Yellow, Powder Brown & another "Yellow-belly

Blue Tang" (refer to attached photo showing the "yellow-belly blue tang" & the "normal blue tang") ---- anyone can advise the actually name of this yellow-belly fish :P:thanks:

* Many more other wrasses & others, dun know the names & can't remember alreadi. :lol:

Wah all the rare collectors fish... woah geabaldi damsel... swee.. only damsel dat can reach 1 foot

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* Achilles, Chevron, many Blue & Yellow, Powder Brown & another "Yellow-belly Blue Tang" (refer to attached photo showing the "yellow-belly blue tang" & the "normal blue tang") ---- anyone can advise the actually name of this yellow-belly fish  :P  :thanks:

Small detail on this fish can be found here...

Yellow Belly Blue Tang

Hope it helps...

How much is it selling... Can PM me the price? Thanks.

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saw quite # of SPS @ Iwarna today.

My hand went in, went out, went in, went out. So many time, until aunty said, SAT IS MEGA SHIPMENT. So WAIT WAIT & SAVE :P

Finally I went home with nothing and visit no other LFS. Geeeez wasted petrol ( since now 1.72 )

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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