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Help my elegant coral

flying carpet

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  • SRC Member

As mentioned aboved. Recently these past few days i realised that my e.c tentacles is floating around. Then last night I saw my blue tang nipping on it. Sounds weird but its true! Any of you guys have the same experience? Is it normal? Will the nipping stop? Can anybody advise me on this? Pls help. :bow:


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  • SRC Member

I've read somewhere that underfed tangs have the tendence to nip at LPS.

I found holes in my elegance b4 it wave byebye too... Suspected to be my YT.

U can try having a crop of macro algae in yur tank to divert its attention... Might work but its too late for me... :(

My Tank

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  • SRC Member

Well yes sounds wierd but true.... I hv a similar experience but my is a sailfin tang.... Cudnt believe it but saw it with my own eyes.... so now no more elegance for me..... as long as i still hv my sailfin, that is

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member

Define whether my blue tang feed enough!

Morning brine shrimp

Afternoon pallet + dried vege

Night cylonepeeze + pallet + vege

Why I feed so much is because there is also a purple tang(pig), foxface(super pig), cowhead boxfish(pig), 4 clown fish and 2 yellow blenny.

By the way the colour is luminious green.

Caught my blue tang put inside my 2ft liao. :evil: Fed up man want to give away but sayang.

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