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Weekly Update - 11th to 17th Apr 2005

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Lck 110 has some corals and fish.

Fish: Royal gramma (caribbean)

Blackcap gramma (basslet)

Powder brown tang (3-4")

silver colour tangs (sorry don't know name, Paiseh)

French angel (4-5")

Also have seahorses (Yellow colour fm Brasil)

Corals: Elegance


Varios colour Yumas

Florida ricordias

Thats' all can remember. As for the fishes still in quarantine till wed noon. Owner only sell after that, thats what he told me.

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What is lobo? Any picture on it? I search the internet but can't find. Please help

What's a lobo... hmmppphhh.... Do a search for "lobotomy" in your dictionary.... you will find it is something you are familiar with.... :rolleyes::P

P.S. I am in my bitchy mood today... :P

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What is lobo? Any picture on it? I search the internet but can't find. Please help

try lobophyllia.....

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Gold Coast got alot of blue face angel all size eating well.

kole tang all size/majectic/empor/koran/asfur/blue tang/yellow tang.....coral yuma(yellow/green/pink) & red mushroom :idea:

singapore got gold coast???? :blink::blink::blink:

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