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  • SRC Member

anyone noe where to get jellyfish in sg n how much it cost.n oso wat does they eat?

by the way,jelly fish oso got freshwater type rite?

in any case,freshwater or marine type.i like to noe where to get them......

thank alot


Jellyfish are hard to keep. You must provide a tank for them in which they have a current but no powerhead/pump intakes that they can get slurped into and shredded. They drift by the current in nature so they will get sucked up easily. Also, I dun think you can just feed them with the powdered "jelly fish food" sold at some shops, but I'm not sure what prey they need( I don't think dropping a piece of fish in would be adequate either) If you really want and can provide them with these needs, the marine shop at Hong Leong Shopping Complex has some occasionally for about maybe $8 a piece(can't remember) but rarely. And I've seen some black freshwater ones at a petshop in the past but I dunno where sell at the moment. Guess it's just not a profitable business...

Happy hunting! That's one of the fun parts about a hobby like this-hunting down all the additions you want for your tank. :D


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Jellyfish needs a species-only tank.

Best to put them in a tank like the Orb, where there are no sharp angles.

Not too much bubbles because they will get buffeted. Powerheads are a no no too.

Depending on species, most are plankton eaters.

Only the big ones with long drifting stinging tentacles are fish eaters.

The small ones with the flower like tentacles are plankton eaters.

Don't try keeping one because you will kill them.


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  • SRC Member
Maybe that is why it is good to have a reef club in Singapore... so we don't kill any more species through our ignorance and stupidity rite? Not saying you lah! Everyone makes mistakes! :( I never know jellyfish are so hard to keep.

I agree....also maybe we can advance to the stage where we all can propogate corals and swap..not many people in S'pore are able to. I think achilles does that already?

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I am not an expert by any means... I do research a lot and speak to as many experienced people as I can.

I know there are very advanced and experienced reefkeepers in Singapore who knows how to propagate corals for years already... but I think they are very very low-key and don't really share much.

Hopefully, with this new Reef Club in Singapore, we can bring the knowledge of reefkeeping to a higher level. It will take a lot of effort but at least we have taken our first baby steps already with the launch of this forum!


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Hey win13, thanks for the compliment about this site!

I guess the Singapore Reef Club should be able to fulfil its objectives of being THE leading and trusted source of reef-related & reef-keeping info in Singapore. Thanks for the contribution of all its members here!

BTW, if you really want to investigate jellyfish, search the web.

I do have an interest in jellyfish but I do not have the time or resources to build a Kreisel tank for them.

Ahh.... I can see you are gonna ask about the Kreisel tank... go forth and search.... and ye shall find... and if you really can't find the info... I'll be here to help!


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Here is a pix of a Kreisel tank.

Kreisels (German for carousel) are tanks where water is directed in a circular current. The current is created by a series of water pumps within each kreisel. The pumps direct water in the same direction around the periphery of the tank moving jellies in a gentle circular fashion. Looking in from the gallery, jellies will appear to fall from the top of the viewing window and slowly disappear, where they will then catch the current and travel back to the top.

Looks like a lot of work doesn't it?


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  • SRC Member

I am not an expert by any means... I do research a lot and speak to as many experienced people as I can.

I know there are very advanced and experienced reefkeepers in Singapore who knows how to propagate corals for years already... but I think they are very very low-key and don't really share much.

Hopefully, with this new Reef Club in Singapore, we can bring the knowledge of reefkeeping to a higher level. It will take a lot of effort but at least we have taken our first baby steps already with the launch of this forum!


If there are then they really have very low-key profiles. I believe you're the first S'porean I've got to know on net forums who has propogated SPS.

Interesting jelly tank. A whole line of jellyfish drifting up and down would look really cute!

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I believe you're the first S'porean I've got to know on net forums who has propogated SPS.

Sad to sad the acro was one of the first to bleach over my chiller episode.

Sigh... my heart still hurts.

The easiest to frag is gorgonians... just gel-glue the exposed part into a piece of rock.. and you have a new gorgo!

There are others fragging.... come out all of you and admit your crime! Heh heh!

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  • SRC Member

Sad to sad the acro was one of the first to bleach over my chiller episode.

Sigh... my heart still hurts.

The easiest to frag is gorgonians... just gel-glue the exposed part into a piece of rock.. and you have a new gorgo!

There are others fragging.... come out all of you and admit your crime! Heh heh!

What brand of superglue do you use?

If you describe fragging in detail anyone who doesn't know a thing about marine tanks would think we were psychotic cold-blooded raving maniacs... B)

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Perhaps this topic should be better discussed in a new thread.

Jellyfish and fragging don't go together.. squish! :lol:

Oh... when I was in Bali, I saw a mahjong table size jellyfish stranded on the beach... it was at least 15 cm thick and was like rubber! I threw a branch at it with all my strength and it bounced a few metres in the air... and there were not one or two but about at least 6 beached!

It was freaky man! Should have taken a pix! :blink:

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  • SRC Member
Perhaps this topic should be better discussed in a new thread.

Jellyfish and fragging don't go together.. squish! :lol:

Oh... when I was in Bali, I saw a mahjong table size jellyfish stranded on the beach... it was at least 15 cm thick and was like rubber! I threw a branch at it with all my strength and it bounced a few metres in the air... and there were not one or two but about at least 6 beached!

It was freaky man! Should have taken a pix! :blink:

Back to jellies, then...

I saw a magnificent brown 'fluffy' one a few years ago swimming around the end of Bedok Jetty. At least 50cm long I think. Interesting creature.

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